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Search Results for: declutter

Do Memories Make or Take Our Freedom?

By Chris Hilicki July 30, 2021

Lately, my friends have been decluttering their places and spaces. Good for them! Breaking FREE from our old stuff isn’t easy but it feels great when we do. It feels like a slice of freedom. Everything from closets and garages…

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Bored with Everyday Life? 5 Easy and Fun Ideas to Get Your Sparkle Back After 60

By Marcia Smalley July 17, 2021

Most of us feel grateful. We’ve come far and lived long. Yet all of us are human. So even amidst all that gratitude, we can occasionally feel antsy. Restless. I daresay, bored. Although now in our 60s, we can morph into those blasé children we were when…

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Need to Get the Clutter Out? Find a Clutter Buddy!

By Fran Braga Meininger April 25, 2021

Which door do you dread opening? Is it your clothes closet, the linen closet, the kitchen pantry, or perhaps the one to the back seat of your car? We all have those places where we stuff, hoard and ignore clutter, and they mock us every time we walk by…

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2 Simply Fantastic Websites to Help You Embrace a Minimalist Lifestyle

By Karen Venable April 05, 2021

Minimalism is a cool trend. I truly believe that minimalist living is something that Boomer women, especially, should look into. After years of home making, traveling, careers, and maybe children and grandchildren, chances are we’ve accumulated…

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5 Undercover Sources of Stress… and What to Do About Them!

By Jessica Hegg March 20, 2021

Oftentimes our bodies can physically manifest feelings of stress and anxiety before we even realize that is what’s happening – upset stomach, headaches, increased blood pressure, tense muscles and back aches. It’s not pretty…

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Are Your Mementos Manageable?

By Lesley Spellman March 06, 2021

Imagine the scene – your birthday comes round, and you are so happy to have had lots of lovely cards sent to you. They sit on your mantelpiece, you truly enjoy looking at them, and then a couple of weeks down the line, it’s time to take them down…

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Stuff It! How to Sensibly Deal with Our Parents’ Possessions as We Age

By Anthony Cirillo February 14, 2021

As Baby Boomers grow older and start moving to smaller dwellings, their children are faced with a dilemma – parents’ possessions. Furniture, keepsakes and heirlooms that parents want to pass on are often not wanted by the younger…

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Are You Expecting Your Man to Be Your Financial Plan?

By Marie Burns October 11, 2020

If you had to choose one word to describe what money means to you, what would that word be? Survival, security, love, power, independence, or something else? Whatever word you identified is the result of years of experiences…

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Coping with Major Life Transitions Takes Imagination and Guts

By Delia Lloyd August 01, 2020

The aftermath of a parent’s death – especially when it’s your second parent – provokes a range of feelings: confusion, loneliness, anger, regret… and, of course, sadness. Sooner or later, however, you’ll find yourself back…

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Let the Ancient Vastu Wisdom Inspire Your Home Office Space

By Heidi Smith August 01, 2020

A dedicated home office was once considered a lavish amenity. Today it is a necessity for those of us who are actively retired or working professionally from home. While the times and our workplace may have changed, not so…

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