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Search Results for: declutter

How to Feng Shui Your New Over-60 Persona in 5 Simple Steps

By Terri Nesbitt November 12, 2022

In our 60s, our lives change in many ways, as we move from old roles into new ones. Workers may become retirees, or go from full- to part-time work, or change careers entirely…

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Having Trouble Downsizing? These 3 Questions May Help You to Simplify and Move Forward

By Sara Hart October 11, 2022

Simplifying, downsizing, decluttering… these topics seem to be very popular. Why is this such an issue for so many people? When I went through a major downsizing last year, one of the things I learned was that I needed a very small percentage…

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The Unexpected Benefits of Downsizing: Clear Your Clutter and Your Outlook on Life

By Karen Venable October 07, 2022

Maybe you’re still living in the house where you raised the children: Bedrooms remain unused. Closets are full of things accumulated over decades. Memories are in every corner. The garage is stuffed with who knows what…

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Suitcase Closet Clearing – or How I Got My Closet in Order

By Lynn Clare September 20, 2022

No matter how often I clean out my closet, I always seem to accumulate more clothes than I ever need. Some old, some new, and most that I know I will never wear. Every time the season changes, I set a new goal of clearing out the excess…

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How to Align Your Home with Your Heart

By Heidi Smith September 11, 2022

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you…

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How to Accept Your Shorter Runway

By Amy Newmark August 21, 2022

Once we pass age 60, we know the “runway” ahead of us is shorter than it used to be. Yet at the same time we probably have more free time and more resources available to have fun. Raising children and our other obligations are mostly behind us…

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5 Ways to Downsize Without Becoming a Small Person

By Ginny McReynolds July 30, 2022

“Much of what we acquire in life isn’t worth dragging to the next leg of our journey,” writes Gina Greenlee in Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road. “Travel light,” she adds. “You will be better equipped to travel far…” 

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Bring Back the Adventure, Freedom, and Fun That’s Been Missing from Your Life!

By Rita Wilkins February 17, 2022

Have you noticed that your spirit of adventure has died and that you no longer jump out of bed to take on your day? What happened to that brave, bold, spontaneous woman you used to be? You know, the one who was passionate…

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How About a Money Remodel?

By Marie Burns January 24, 2022

New year, new start, new way to do something, a new opportunity to improve your life… at least that’s how we often start the new year, right? Take advantage of those good intentions to get yourself headed in the right direction, whether it’s related…

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What Is Your Clutter Legacy? And Why That Matters

By Angela Horn January 22, 2022

Our friend Coral is a sailing fanatic. A few months ago, the yacht she was on encountered stormy weather. The boat tipped at alarming angles as wave upon wave crashed over them. There was nothing to do but hang on and pray…

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