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Search Results for: declutter

It’s Time to Embrace Natural Makeup for Older Women (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 29, 2014

What are the benefits of embracing natural makeup for older women? This is the question that I asked Ariane Poole, during our last interview. Want to know what the only 10 items are that you need in your makeup bag? Then, this interview is for you! Read More

Turning 60? Here’s Some Advice from Your Older Sisters

By Margaret Manning November 25, 2014

Turning 60 is a major milestone for many women. When we turn 50, most of us are in good health. We are usually at the top of our careers and have rich social lives, filled with family, friends and colleagues. Yes, some of us might be worried about the future or “where the time has gone.” But, for the most part, turning 50 is somewhat of a non-event. Turning 60 feels different. Read More

Downsizing in Retirement – Can You Live with 200 Items?

By Margaret Manning October 09, 2014

Retirement is a good time to assess what is important in our lives. By focusing on our priorities and downsizing in retirement, we can make space for the things that really matter. In a literal sense, “downsizing” can mean moving to a smaller house or learning to “traveling light.” For me, it is so much more than this. After a lifetime of accumulating “stuff,” downsizing allows us to create mental space. It helps us to simplify our life on a fundamental level. It all starts with shifting our focus away from “things” and towards experiences and people. Read More

Downsizing Your Home? Read This First!

By Margaret Manning September 10, 2013

Many women over 60 are making transitions in our careers, family lives and homes. Part of this transition process might involve downsizing your home. In fact, there are several trends in the real estate market that are causing more women over 60 than ever to consider moving to a smaller home. Read More