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Search Results for: declutter

7 Ways to Prevent Falls and Related Injuries

By Joy Stephenson-Laws February 08, 2019

I saw a startling statistic that alarmed me, and I think it will alarm you as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an older adult is treated for a fall in the Emergency Room every 11 seconds, and an elderly person dies from a fall every 19 minutes! Read More

How to Plan, Prepare and Pack Light for Stress-Free Travel After 60

By Slobodanka Graham August 26, 2018

How lightly do you travel? Since 2010, I’ve flown and holidayed with carry-on luggage only. That’s a handy seven kilograms of clothes, shoes and toiletries. Read More

Myths, Facts and Reasons to Consider a Senior Move Manager

By Anthony Cirillo May 10, 2018

I had the pleasure of recently interviewing Mary Kay Buysee, Executive Director of the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) here in the U.S.  Read More

How Simplifying Your Life Can Help You to be Happier After 60

By Margaret Manning February 27, 2018

Talking to the other women in our community, I’m convinced that simplifying your life is one of the best things that you can do in your 60s. As we get older, we often find ourselves surrounded by years of accumulated possessions. Some of our possessions are connected to a beautiful memory, a special person, or a significant time or place. Other things are, well, just… things. Read More

6 Creative Birthday Gifts for Women Over 60 That Won’t Clutter Up the House

By Lois Carter Crawford February 21, 2017

“What do you want for your birthday?” That’s a tough one, isn’t it? But seriously, the last thing retired people need is more stuff. It’s a time when we are trying to get rid of all the items we no longer use. In a few years, we expect to move to a smaller place, right? Read More

5 Ways to Bring Home the Bacon in Retirement

By Jessica Hegg February 20, 2017

The freedom of retirement doesn’t have to mean the end of making money. Plus, now is the time to cash in on things you actually enjoy doing! Read More

How to Make the World a Better Place by Downsizing and Recycling

By Margaret Manning January 29, 2017

Like many women in our community, I have spent quite a bit of time over the last decade reorganizing and, where possible, downsizing.

Along the way, I have learned that downsizing is not really about saying “no” to the things we don’t need. It is about saying “yes” to the things that really matter.

Today, I want to talk about one aspect of downsizing that you may not have thought about – how to recycle and do good for others as you reorganize your life.

Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

4 Essential Steps to Reinventing Yourself After 60

By Margaret Manning January 26, 2016

Our 60s are one of the most important transition periods of our lives. With our kids out of the house, our social context is changing. Retirement is “in sight,” even if we don’t plan on quitting our jobs any time soon. Turning 60 is also the time when many of us start to question our place in the world. We may even look at our lives and ask, “Is this it? Surely I was meant to do something more!” Read More

Looking for More from Life After Retirement? Follow the Advice of Your Sixty and Me Sisters

By Margaret Manning November 05, 2015

Life after retirement can be a time of unlimited possibility. With fewer commitments to others, we are finally free to explore the world and pursue our passions. At the same time, retiring can be confusing. Unfortunately, many of us have already lost our parents, making it difficult to know who to turn to for advice. Read More

How to Start Your Own Golden Girls House (Video)

By Margaret Manning September 23, 2015

Are you trying to decide where to live in retirement? The Golden Girls network may be for you! Read More