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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Begin a Lasting Commitment to Brain Health

By Kay Van Norman January 25, 2023

I’ve been thinking about New Year’s resolutions and know from experience that it’s one thing to intend to do something and quite another to actually commit to a specific action or outcome.
Take brain health for example…

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Will AI Write Your Novels Soon?

By Ann Richardson January 24, 2023

I have never been particularly excited by the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It seemed something remote to my everyday life, although I have undoubtedly been exposed to numerous examples without my ever knowing it…

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It Happens to All of Us, But Most of Us Don’t Plan for It

By Marie Burns January 24, 2023

What are the odds of getting hit by a bus? 1 in 495,000. Not happening to me, right? But what are the odds that you’re going to die someday? Exactly. I always say this topic is about WHEN not IF something happens and you are no longer…

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6 Keys to Being Creative at Any Age

By Douglas Winslow Cooper January 24, 2023

We would all like to be creative. Perhaps it is not so hard. “Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people,” noted the late Leo Burnett, outstanding advertising executive. If so, then by encouraging…

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Personality Tests: Time to Get Personal!

By Cindy Boatman January 23, 2023

Personality tests are just plain fun for some of us! We like learning about what makes us tick. By design, these tests reveal character traits in a variety of settings. They are a means to identify one’s emotional makeup, motivators, preferences, and interests…

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60 and Beyond: How to Avoid Common Money Mistakes

By Lyle Solomon January 23, 2023

As we age, our financial priorities and needs change. Once you reach the age of 60, it’s crucial to take a step back and evaluate your current financial situation to ensure that you’re on track for a comfortable retirement…

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Why It’s Important That We Set the Example

By Julia Hubbel January 22, 2023

The example we set teaches our kids and our kids’ kids how to live late in life. To my mind, it’s an enormous and unbelievable responsibility which offers all kinds of opportunities for us to grow into the wise women we were always…

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10 Steps You Can Take to Recover from a Life-Shattering Event

By Beverly Price January 21, 2023

No one is ever truly prepared for a life-changing event. Whether it’s a family trauma, job loss, moving, retirement, or dealing with substance abuse recovery, it can be incredibly disorienting and overwhelming. Most people feel entirely lost…

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Why Daydreaming Is the Most Wonderful Way to Waste Time

By Sherry Bronson January 21, 2023

Shirley Valentine is the story of a middle-aged woman who talks to herself, or the wall, as she considers her life. When I watched it, I had to pause and repeat a section to capture this intriguing quote: The sky is always there as long as the wind is fair…

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Does Thinking About Your Life Drive You Crazy?

By Danna Walker January 20, 2023

As a person with more years behind me than ahead, I am constantly reading and hearing about fulfilling my goals, living a good life, reimagining “this one life we’ve been given” and generally making these final years count…

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