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Dealing with Grief and Fears

Grief is a part of life. This doesn't make it easy to deal with. Maybe you have a fear of dying. Perhaps you're dealing with the loss of a loved one. You are not alone. We're here to help.

2 years ago

Thinking About Dying Doesn’t Have to Be Morbid

Death and dying do not make for a jolly subject of any conversation, but it is part of life. And none of us is getting any younger. Is death or dying something you think about very much? You may prefer to think it will never happen…

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2 years ago

Take Care of Your Body as You Move Through Grief

During the days before Mom’s death, there were long periods of intense stillness. While sitting quietly in her room, conversing in whispers with my sisters and brother, sadness settled into my chest. I caught myself holding my breath at times…

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2 years ago

3 Ways That Caregivers Can Handle Change and Face the New Normal

I was in my late 50s when I became a caregiver for my parents, so our family dynamic was pretty established. We were a family of strong personalities. Mom was the boss and controlled all the family matters. Dad was patient…

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2 years ago

Find Your Voice: 4 Ideas on How to Speak Up When You’re Afraid

At around age 55 I found my voice. Previously, my voice was that of my husband, or my boss, and sometimes my adult children. I thought it would be best not to speak up with an opinion, and furthermore, I greatly doubted my opinion…

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2 years ago

7 Ways to Foster Honest Conversation in Troubling Times

We’re programmed to face chin up and cheerful into whatever life brings. The etiquette of our upbringing in the 50s and 60s warned that people don’t want to hear our problems, only to exchange pleasantries and move along…

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2 years ago

It Happens to All of Us, But Most of Us Don’t Plan for It

What are the odds of getting hit by a bus? 1 in 495,000. Not happening to me, right? But what are the odds that you’re going to die someday? Exactly. I always say this topic is about WHEN not IF something happens and you are no longer…

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2 years ago

10 Steps You Can Take to Recover from a Life-Shattering Event

No one is ever truly prepared for a life-changing event. Whether it’s a family trauma, job loss, moving, retirement, or dealing with substance abuse recovery, it can be incredibly disorienting and overwhelming. Most people feel entirely lost…

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2 years ago

Facing Alcohol Addiction After 60

In her late 70s, Becky, felt out of place during the Covid-19 crisis. She was finally coming to grips with her alcohol addiction. The problem was exacerbated by her use of prescribed medications – medications she needed to navigate aging…

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2 years ago

Forced to Become a Different Person? Take Advantage of the Opportunity

Three ladies were lunching solo at a bar. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it? My quick stop for a bite turned into a leisure lunch as the three of us chatted at Applebee’s counter. I feel very lucky to have the time and means to be a lady…

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2 years ago

4 Ways to Conquer Your Fears in the New Year

2023 is right at the door! It is a brand new turning of the pages. As I reflect on the past year, both in my personal life and work, the most important thought that strikes me is the pervasive sense of fear in people around me. The what isn’t all that important…

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