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What to Do in Retirement: Sharing Your Passions and Gifts with the World (Video) 

By Margaret Manning October 26, 2015

If you are wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your health, wealth and happiness, this interview is for you! Do you want to share your passions and gifts with the world? Are you wondering what to do in retirement to maximize your happiness and sense of personal meaning? Are you looking for part-time, volunteer or seasonal work? If so, this interview with Mary Eileen Williams will give you the resources you need to jump-start your journey. Read More

Happy Grandparents Day 2016 – What Have Your Grandchildren Taught You About Life?

By Margaret Manning September 13, 2015

Happy Grandparents Day 2016! Today is one of my favorite days. It’s not that I do anything particularly special. For the rest of my family, Grandparents’ Day is just another checkbox on the calendar. That’s ok with me. Read More

Is City Living Making us Lonely After 50?

By Margaret Manning September 10, 2015

The Baby Boomer generation is aging differently than previous generations, and one example of the changing trends affecting our lifestyles is the increasing move toward urbanization. According to the U.S. Census, during the next 20 years, 10,000 people will turn 65 every single day. At the same time, the UN reports that 54 percent of the world’s people live in urban areas – and this proportion is expected to increase to 66 percent by 2050.

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The Special Role that Grandparents Play in Spotting Potential

By Margaret Manning August 25, 2015

When I was a young mother, all I wanted was for my kids to grow up and have “good jobs.” My family didn’t have a lot when I was growing up and I was determined that my children would have every opportunity that I missed. If my kids had asked me what it takes to succeed, I probably would have answered something like “Do well in school… go to university… get a good job at a company that will take care of you.” I’m sure that many moms feel the same. Read More

Boomer Role Models for the Millennial Grandchildren

By Wendy Walleigh August 07, 2015

We women in the Boomer generation have always been pioneering role models for our children. The majority of us have had successful lives – in our careers, at work, at-home, or both. We have a great many skills, knowledge, and experiences as well as time now to offer. So, now it is time for us to become role models for our millennial grandchildren, nieces and nephews, to show them how we/they can benefit the world. Let’s bring the generations together to do good in the world…

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Grandparents – Let’s Save the World Together!

By Margaret Manning July 25, 2015

There is something special that happens to the way that you see the world when you have your first grandchild. As a parent, you are often too busy with the day-to-day business of keeping your family running smoothly to notice the world around you. As a grandparent, you are free to see the big picture. Read More

Is Your Fear of Change Preventing Your From Finding Happiness After 60?

By Margaret Manning July 18, 2015

On some level, I guess we all dislike change. In fact, for most of our lives, we have done everything in our power to find stability. Most of us looked for “safe” jobs. We tried to get our family to “safe” neighborhoods. Now that we are 60, we are told to put our investments in something “safe.” In all of these cases, the word safe also means predictable. Read More

Wondering What to Do in Retirement? Why Not Start With a Volunteer Vacation?

By Sixty and Me May 30, 2015

Retirement is wonderful. You’re able to say goodbye to long commutes, boring meetings and late nights at the office. You have plenty of time to do the things you enjoy. But what if plenty of time is actually too much time? Read More

How Old is Old? Is 60 Really the New 40?

By Margaret Manning April 30, 2015

How old is old? In most western countries, retirement age is the milestone after which someone becomes “elderly” or a “senior.” But, is this really fair? After all, in 1930, around the time that Social Security was established, a 65-year-old woman could expect to live 12.8 years. By contrast, a woman that turned 65 in 2009 could expect to live 20.3 years. Read More

Working After Retirement – “Great Idea” or “Give Me a Break?”

By Margaret Manning April 20, 2015

The concept of “retirement” has become deeply ingrained in many aspects of society. Thanks to decades of marketing from financial services companies, not to mention governments around the world, most of us have come to see retirement as an expectation, if not a right. Read More