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Search Results for: jobs

How to Increase Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence in 6 Easy Steps

By Margaret Manning June 04, 2013

Women over 60 are often known for having high self-esteem and confidence. This time of life is supposed to be a time of confidently engaging with the world and trying new things, learning, growing and making a difference at the prime of our lives.

But what if the changes of midlife and the approach of retirement and the shifts happening in your family are leaving you feeling more bewildered than confident? Read More

Lost Your Job? Don’t Panic. Here’s How to Restart Your Career After 50

By Margaret Manning March 15, 2013

Losing a job is always stressful. Many women over 60 have had careers filled with brilliant highs and terrifying lows, failures mixed with glowing achievements and recognition. But today, the impermanence of the workplace doesn’t linger on the positive but pushes employers and employees into a less connected and committed relationship. Read More

Addressing the Top 6 Fears of Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning March 04, 2013

We have lived with change and uncertainty our entire lives; in fact it is one of life’s few constants. You would think we would be used to it by now, but we aren’t. With that in mind, we’ve listed the top six fears of women over sixty and, more importantly, done our best to search for comfort and empowerment. Read More

6 Unusual Ways to Make Money in Retirement

By Margaret Manning February 12, 2013

We are a lucky generation. We just happen to be living at a time when longevity has created a new life stage that cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson calls the Age of Active Wisdom, or Adulthood II. Read More

Get More from Life After Retirement by Using the Power of Sharing

By Margaret Manning February 10, 2013

If you are thinking about life after retirement, you may be wondering how you will live on a fixed income for the next 20-30 years. Of course, one option is to continue to work, at least part time. But, for many people, this simply isn’t possible. So, today, I want to share an alternative suggestion with you. I want to explain how you can spend less and earn more in retirement by taking advantage of one of the oldest human behaviors – sharing. Read More