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Are You Ready for the Real Anti-Aging Revolution?

By Margaret Manning November 09, 2014

If you have been following Sixty and Me for any period of time, you already know that I am not a big fan of the term anti-aging. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the pressure that women feel to look younger is one of the key psychological factors holding us back after 60. Read More

Advice for Living on a Pension from the Sixty and Me Community

By Margaret Manning October 28, 2014

People reaching retirement age today are under huge financial pressure. Since, on average, we will live longer than any previous generation, our savings will need to last decades. In addition, many of us find ourselves in the position of looking after our aging parents, while living on a pension. Read More

How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 1): Finding Your Strengths

By Margaret Manning August 19, 2014

Most people think that successful businesses start with an idea. They don’t. Successful businesses start with a person. More specifically, they begin when a person recognizes his or her unique talents and sets out to improve the lives of others.

If this seems obvious, think about the number of people who never start a business because they “can’t think of an idea” or “don’t know where to start.” Many of these people could become successful freelancers, small business owners or entrepreneurs, if they examined themselves before looking for ideas. Read More

Fighting the Most Common Myths about Aging (Video)

By Margaret Manning June 04, 2014

Many boomer women are in transition. They are leaving behind full time jobs, family responsibilities, and roles that defined them in the past. They are changing the way that they relate to the world. Read More

Why the VW Van is an Icon that Shaped the Baby Boomer Generation

By Margaret Manning April 22, 2014

Women over 60 have lived through six amazing decades. Throughout our lives, with a curious and adventurous nature, we have challenged the status quo and celebrated our independence and freedom. Many of us have had to build enormous emotional reserves to manage and survive difficult times. Read More

A Look Back Through The Decades That Shaped the Baby Boomer Generation

By Margaret Manning April 15, 2014

In my recent interview with Dr. John Medina, we discussed the power of nostalgia to improve brain function. Since women over 60 care deeply about keeping their brains healthy as they age, I decided to take a trip down memory lane and explore the six decades that have shaped women who are just now reaching retirement. As you read, I encourage you to take a pause after each section and try to visualize what your life was like. What are your strongest memories of each time period? Read More

Thinking About a New Career After 60? Maybe it’s Time to Start a Company Instead

By Margaret Manning April 08, 2014

As a young woman, I thought that the path to success in life was simple — invest in a great education, land a fabulous job in my chosen field and work obsessively to get ahead. Along the way, I hoped to find true love, raise a family, buy a house and travel the world. Climbing the corporate ladder, I measured my accomplishments by the new words in my job title. The elusive “glass ceiling” always shimmered in the distance, promising astounding rewards for my hard work. All I had to do was stay focused and do my job well. Read More

How to Make Money Writing Online as an Older Adult (Video)

By Margaret Manning February 02, 2014

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I speak with Ben Gran, a successful freelance writer, about how to start a writing business while still working or considering retirement. Read More

Home Based Business Ideas for Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning November 04, 2013

Many women over 60 would love to earn some extra money on the side – whether we’re winding down our careers or looking to make our retirement savings last longer, extra cash is always welcome. But how can women over 60 make money, especially while working a flexible schedule and doing interesting work?

Fortunately, the Internet makes it more possible than ever before for women to make money working from home. Read More

6 Questions to Ask Yourself While Planning for Retirement

By Margaret Manning August 27, 2013

Many women over 60 are getting ready to retire, if we haven’t retired already. But our generation of women is reinventing retirement in a way that would be unrecognizable to our parents’ generation. For many of us, our “golden years” are not going to be spent sitting quietly on rocking chairs watching TV. Instead of being sedentary, silent and shut away from the world, women over 60 are approaching our retirement years with a new spirit of focus, purpose, energy and ambition. Read More