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Happiness and the Art of Finding Your True Self

By Margaret Manning April 14, 2015

By the time you reach your 60th birthday, you have a pretty good idea of who you are. You have faced all of the challenges that life has thrown your way and you have emerged victorious – ok, a little bruised too, but, victorious none-the-less.

At the same time, by the time we reach our 60s, many people find that the person that they are on the inside and the person that they are on the outside have moved far apart. Read More

Boomers Are Masters of Career Reinvention. Now it’s Time for an Encore

By Margaret Manning April 13, 2015

Baby boomers have always been masters of reinvention. In every decade of our lives, we have challenged the status quo and lived life on our own terms. Some have accused us of being selfish for exactly this reason. But, deep down, our attempts to reinvent ourselves were rooted in our desire to get the most from life. Read More

Older Workers Having a Tough Time Getting Their Groove Back, AARP Survey Says

By Margaret Manning April 06, 2015

The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, was hard on older workers. In the years following the financial crisis, people from all walks of life struggled to find work – and those lucky enough to have savings found them greatly depleted. The good news is that, on paper, the economy is on the mend. Read More

Older Entrepreneurs Are the New Normal – But, the World Still Doesn’t Know it!

By Margaret Manning March 30, 2015

If you think about the word “entrepreneur,” what image springs to mind? Maybe you thought of the actor who played Marc Zuckerberg in the film, “The Social Network”. Or, perhaps you imagined Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or another young technology genius, who started a technology empire from his or her basement. You probably didn’t think of a retired 57-year old tax consultant from St. Louis. If so, your instinct was way off. Read More

It’s Time to Get Angry About Ageism! Madonna’s Ready for a Fight

By Margaret Manning March 21, 2015

When I first read Madonna’s recent comments about ageism in Rolling Stone, I wasn’t sure what to think. On the one hand, I’ve seen first-hand how ageism can impact people over 60. I’ve heard heart-breaking stories of people being pushed out of their jobs, passed over for promotions and marginalized socially. Ageism is real and it should be addressed. Read More

Most Boomers Are Rejecting Retirement… and that’s a Good Thing for Everyone!

By Margaret Manning March 10, 2015

One of my biggest fears for the baby boomer generation is that we have taken the concept of retirement too seriously. Many of us still believe in the notion that retirement should be a time for living off your savings, relaxing and “aging gracefully.”

Now, a new study by The Pew Charitable Trusts, says that the majority of baby boomers may finally be rethinking retirement. Most people surveyed said that they didn’t plan on retiring, in a traditional sense. Instead, they said that they wanted to continue working, either in their existing job or in a new career.  Read More

What Career Would You Choose if You Had it All to Do Over Again?

By Margaret Manning February 20, 2015

Ok, so, it turns out that a career doesn’t actually last a lifetime. In fact, the experts say that the average American can expect to have up to 11 jobs. Read More

Feeling Lonely? It’s Not Your Fault!

By Margaret Manning February 18, 2015

Feeling lonely is difficult to talk about. At times, it feels like loneliness is not just a feeling, but, a reflection of our place in society. Maybe we feel like we should be able to “take control” or “just get out there and meet people.” That’s certainly what society would like us to believe. Or perhaps we feel like we are alone in our loneliness – that we are one of only a handful of lonely people. Read More

Here Are Our Favorite Gratitude Quotes to Inspire You this Thanksgiving Day

By Margaret Manning November 27, 2014

By the time we reach our 60s, we have a lot to be grateful for. After six decades of working, raising families and exploring our passions, there is a sense that we finally know what is important. This year as our friends in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day, let’s all take a few minutes to think about what we are grateful for. Let’s celebrate our children and grandchildren. Let’s appreciate our good health. Most of all, let’s be grateful for having made it this far and for all of the amazing opportunities that are still before us!

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We’re Looking at Retirement Planning All Wrong and People Are Going to Get Hurt

By Margaret Manning November 20, 2014

What is retirement planning? It’s a simple question, right? Doesn’t everyone know that getting ready for retirement is all about putting enough money away so that we can live comfortably on our investments? At least, that’s what we have been told. For decades, our employers have reminded us to max out our 401K. Read More