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5 Useful Things Boomers Can Learn from Millennials

By Stefanie Kilts October 20, 2016

My dad is a baby boomer. He runs every week with a couple of friends and they often talk about their millennial children.

This group of millennials, including me, are in our late 20s and are a pretty diverse bunch. We have started businesses, travelled the world and lived in exotic locations, changed jobs and moved multiple times and have altogether lived very different lives from our baby boomer parents. Read More

Susan Sarandon Wants Men to Get in Touch with Their Feminist Side

By Margaret Manning July 24, 2016

It’s easy to see the history of the women’s movement as a struggle of “men vs. women.”

Indeed, if you went back to the early days of our fight for equality, this is almost certainly how it felt. Before women could vote, many men felt genuinely threatened by the idea of a politically active female population. For much of the last century, many people still believed that there were certain jobs that were “not appropriate” for women. Read More

6 Important Considerations When Hiring Nurses for Home Care

By Douglas Winslow Cooper July 02, 2016

It has been reported that each year in the United States, millions of people aged 65 and older fall. This results in hip fractures and other injuries. The consequences are sudden and serious. Read More

How I Reinvented Myself After I Was Downsized by Becoming an ESL Teacher

By Elizabeth Dunkel June 19, 2016

This is a story with a happy ending. However, when I began the “journey” I had no idea I would be so happy. Read More

A Grumpy Guide to Retirement

By Carol Wyer June 08, 2016

So finally you have reached the age of retirement. All those years of anticipation, of looking forward to lie-ins, loafing about the garden, travelling to places you have never visited before and endless fun-filled days with your friends. That was until you realised your pension wasn’t as much as you hoped for and those destinations you fancied visiting are off the list or filled with lager-swilling louts and their noisy families…

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Are Baby Boomers Suffering from Financial Shame?

By Marc Miller May 28, 2016

Do you suffer from financial shame?

I ask this question because financial shame is far more common than most of us would like to admit. Everyone talks about how financially successful baby boomers are, but, this is just part of the story. Like every generation, we are struggling after the Great Recession. Read More

The Secret to Senior Dating – Saying No to “Take-Out Order Dating”

By Lisa Copeland May 12, 2016

The senior dating game can be tough. Not only can it bruise your ego, but, it can also bring up all the unhealed rejection that happened earlier in life. Read More

No Matter Your Age, Don’t Forget the Power of a Smile

By Sally Dowling April 26, 2016

It’s funny the things you start to realise, as you get older.

I have been told I am a smiler, complete with a one sided dimple. Over the years, a sunny smile has gotten me through some difficult times and challenging situations; and yet I am only just beginning to appreciate the power of a genuine smile. Read More

5 Reasons that I Love Babysitting For My Grandchild

By Deborah Drezon Carroll April 10, 2016

I have an appointment every Monday afternoon and Tuesday, all day. It’s with a VIP and it’s a job of sorts. It doesn’t pay much, but it makes me feel rich beyond words. It’s also exhausting. I am one of the new corps of volunteer grandparents but I’m volunteering very close to home: in my own family. Read More

Introducing Death Café: How Talking Can Help You Overcome Your Fear of Dying

By Margaret Manning April 02, 2016

Ok, I have a confession to make. As much as I know that it is counterproductive, I often find myself thinking about death. Read More