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Search Results for: weight

The 10 Safest Countries to Travel as a Woman Over 50

By Sandra Roussy January 15, 2024

Do you have the travel itch? Are you considering traveling solo to a new country? I have been traveling alone for several decades, and I don’t intend to stop exploring this world even as I get older. If you’re like me, you are well aware…

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Are You at Risk of Diabetes? These 5 Tests Are Sure to Reveal an Issue

By Nancy Scanlan January 15, 2024

You have probably heard of metabolic syndrome, the precursor to Type 2 diabetes. But do you know how doctors define that? If anyone in your family has suffered from Type 2 diabetes, then you are more likely to be at risk. But there are also three…

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Lingerie Guide for Older Women

By Sandra Roussy January 09, 2024

Are you unsure about what lingerie styles suit you best? As we get older and our bodies and lifestyles change, so do our choices of clothing items. Lingerie can be the one that gets the most intimidating as we get older. As a fashion designer,

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Winter Dresses for Women Over 50

By Sandra Roussy January 08, 2024

Winter is has certainly arrived, and, if you haven’t already, it’s time to switch to clothes that keep you warm and stylish. Say goodbye to lighter dresses and hello to winter styles and fabrics – your perfect blend of comfort and chic. Imagine strolling…

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Resolution, Revolution and Resistance, Taken from Dylan Thomas and Approved by Me

By Maggie Marangione January 07, 2024

I tossed my walker over the cliff the other day (figuratively); I was raising my angry fist at my advancing years and infirmities, much like Dylan Thomas wrote in his famous poem. Acceptance of this has been a battle as I deal with body part replacements…

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Is It Possible to Brand My Small Business?

By Lily Temmer January 07, 2024

These days, branding is a word that is bandied about freely. Everyone, from celebrities to wanna-be influencers, is trying to brand themselves or their business. You may be thinking, that’s okay for famous people or big businesses but what about…

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One Woman’s Observations on Grief

By Leslie Ginnes January 04, 2024

Everyone’s grief journey is their personal experience. There is no playbook you can buy or use to advise. Others’ tales help to verify our sanity. Others’ journeys help us grow our capacity for compassion for our compatriots in grief and for ourselves…

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Was Turning 60 an Unhappy Birthday for You?

By Darlene McCarthy Barnfield January 03, 2024

Celebrating 60 was a long time in coming for me. “It’s shocking,” I would say to friends as it started to sink in that August was right around the corner, and I was fast approaching a milestone I did not look forward to. My reaction would not have surprised anyone. I had always been age averse…

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Navigating Emotional Eating with New Year’s Resolutions

By Marion Holt January 02, 2024

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a common New Year’s resolution, but for those grappling with emotional eating, the path is laden with unique challenges. This article delves into the complexities of setting weight loss resolutions for emotional eaters…

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18 Best Eyeglass Frames for Women Over 50

By Sandra Roussy January 02, 2024

Do you wear glasses? Even if you have had 20/20 vision your whole life, chances are that you may have eyesight issues as you get older and most probably need reading glasses. Or maybe you have been wearing prescription glasses forever…

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