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Search Results for: long-term care

Has Spain Lived Up to My ExPat Expectations?

By Howard Fishman October 31, 2022

We left the United States to dislodge ourselves from the inevitable third act doldrums. My post-career life began to show signs of the common societal memes associated with retirement. The tell-tale lack of energy. An inability to focus. Dare I admit…

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Gender Income Gap – How Does It Affect Women’s Retirement?

By Lyle Solomon October 19, 2022

Women who work longer than men continue to experience the gender wage gap when they retire. According to government statistics, women make 83 cents for every dollar men earn. The annual difference in median wages grows to $10,435 as a result…

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Mental Health Impact of Estrangement

By Marie Morin October 13, 2022

Estrangement describes the condition where a person experiences physical and/or emotional distance from one or more family members. If you’ve been estranged, someone decided that leaving the relationship was a necessary act of self-preservation…

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4 Better Alternatives to Using Your Retirement Savings to Pay Off Debt

By Lyle Solomon September 19, 2022

It is never advisable to use your retirement savings for anything other than its intended purpose, unless you have to. It is never a good idea to risk not being able to take care of yourself in retirement to save your credit score and pay off debts…

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3 Ways to Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess!

By Marie Burns September 10, 2022

When we hear the term “legacy” we often think of leaving millions of dollars to heirs, so most of us decide “well, that sure doesn’t apply to me!” and we stop thinking about it. However, the word legacy simply refers to passing…

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Facing Our Biggest Fears After 60: Health and Money

By Terri Edmund September 09, 2022

When we reach 60, 70 or 80 we are surprised we got here so quickly. We meant to make investment plans and take better care of ourselves along the way. What happened to the last 40 years? It’s scary, this aging thing. Besides time moving…

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Why Can’t I Lose Weight? How Trauma Sabotages Weight Loss for High Achieving Women (VIDEO)

By Cassie Christopher August 25, 2022

High achieving women in their 50s and 60s who struggle with making consistently healthy food choices tend to have one thing in common: a history of trauma. Even if these same women have spent years in therapy and are at peace with the traumatic…

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60 and Estranged? 3 Keys to Go from Stressed to Wellness

By Marie Morin August 19, 2022

How can you go about daily life when you feel rejected, hurt, sad, angry, and you’re not yourself? The key to moving forward and getting out of stuck is to focus on your wellness. The emotional stress of estrangement can take its toll on one’s mental…

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5 Books to Close Out Summer

By Pam Lamp August 17, 2022

As summer winds down and kids head back to school, I remember the days I’d prepare for my new grade. I loved covering my textbooks with brown paper, organizing my pencil case, arranging outfit combinations, and labeling my folders…

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4 Benefits of Staying in Your Own Home a Little Longer – While Starting Your Next Tree

By Karen Margaret Kay August 08, 2022

When I moved into my newly built home more than 10 years ago, the city planted small trees on the front lawns of most of the homes. While many homeowners got spindly young saplings, I was fortunate enough to get a tall…

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