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Search Results for: long-term care

What I Learned About Senior Dating from a Professional Dating Coach

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2015

If you are like many women in the community, the concept of senior dating probably sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry. For starters, no-one wants to think of themselves as a senior, even if they are in their 60s. In addition, after a life-time of difficult relationships, is it reasonable to think that we will be lucky in love in our 60s or 70s? Read More

Happiness is Listening to Helen Mirren Talk After Inhaling Helium

By Margaret Manning April 05, 2015

You probably know by now that laughter is good for you. For starters, according to the Mayo Clinic, laughter is an immediate stress-reliever. Over the long-term, it may even help to boost your immune system and increase your sense of personal satisfaction. In addition, as I just wrote about, laughter may also be one of the keys to building trusting relationships. Read More

Susan Sarandon and Her Man Challenge Aging Stereotypes

By Margaret Manning March 31, 2015

Boomers have never followed the rules. At every life stage, we have challenged the status-quo. Now as we reach our 60s, we are challenging aging stereotypes. Read More

Aging Stereotypes Are Causing Discrimination in the Workplace. It’s Time to Take Action!

By Margaret Manning March 11, 2015

As many boomers know, trying to keep your career moving forward after 50 can be a frustrating experience. Aging stereotypes are just part of the story, but, they are an important part.

In a recent report titled “A New Vision for Older Workers: Retain, Retrain, Recruit”, Dr. Ros Altmann goes so far as to say that, in the U.K. most women find their careers grinding to a halt at age 45. Men get another decade of career growth before reaching a plateau, but, even they find it difficult to advance after age 55. Read More

An Excerpt from “What Are You Hungry For?” by Deepak Chopra

By Margaret Manning November 12, 2013

In his new book What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul bestselling author Deepak Chopra discusses how overeating is really just a symptom of a much larger problem – an inability to find true fulfillment in our lives. Since living a healthy life after 60 is a goal of many members of our Sixty and Me community, I reached out to Deepak and his team to see if they would be willing to give us a sneak peek at his new book. I am delighted to let you know that Read More

6 Ways to Build Healthy Family Relationships that Stand the Test of Time

By Margaret Manning October 28, 2013

One of the unique challenges of getting older is that our family relationships and family dynamics change with the passage of time. As a result, many women over 60 might find themselves navigating some uncertain emotional territory with their family relationships. Read More

The Stages of ‘EX’ – Dealing with Divorce After 60

By Margaret Manning May 10, 2013

Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote about the five stages of dealing with death and loss – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Read More

Guest Posting with Sixty and Me – Terms and Conditions

By Sixty and Me February 28, 2013

Sixty and Me is a community of over 600,000 dynamic baby boomer women. Every single day, 90,000 women see our content through our website, newsletter and social media accounts. We want to see your articles on next! Would you like to share your passion, creativity, insights and experience with our audience? Do you want to build your […]

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