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Search Results for: long-term care

5 Useful Things Boomers Can Learn from Millennials

By Stefanie Kilts October 20, 2016

My dad is a baby boomer. He runs every week with a couple of friends and they often talk about their millennial children.

This group of millennials, including me, are in our late 20s and are a pretty diverse bunch. We have started businesses, travelled the world and lived in exotic locations, changed jobs and moved multiple times and have altogether lived very different lives from our baby boomer parents. Read More

4 Benefits of Yoga for Seniors that Have Nothing to Do with Flexibility

By Margaret Manning August 06, 2016

If you asked most people to list the benefits of yoga, “getting flexible” would be a popular answer. After all, the image – some would say the illusion – of a yoga practitioner is a young 20-something person twisting herself into a pretzel. In reality, the benefits of yoga, especially for seniors, go way beyond flexibility…

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Are Baby Boomers Suffering from Financial Shame?

By Marc Miller May 28, 2016

Do you suffer from financial shame?

I ask this question because financial shame is far more common than most of us would like to admit. Everyone talks about how financially successful baby boomers are, but, this is just part of the story. Like every generation, we are struggling after the Great Recession. Read More

How to Live to 100 – 11 Practical Tips You Can Apply Today (#2 Will Make You Feel Better!)

By Sarah Brewer May 05, 2016

Do you want to know how to live to 100? Or, do you perhaps want to live to 110 and become a super-centenarian? It may sound unlikely, but, according to the UK Government Actuary’s Department, babies born in just thirty years’ time will have an average life expectancy of 150!  Read More

5 Personality Traits that Facilitate Healthy Aging

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

Despite all of our advances in science and technology, the biological basis of healthy aging is still a mystery. There can be little doubt that genetics plays a role in how we experience the aging process, but, exactly how this works is largely unclear. Read More

Dealing with Loneliness is Easiest if You Avoid These Bad Behaviors (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 30, 2015

Many women in the Sixty and Me community are dealing with loneliness. Some older women feel like they have had isolation thrust upon them by a divorce, career change, bereavement or relocation. Others have made conscious choices that have led to a solitary life. Either way, there is no denying that loneliness is a serious issue. Read More

3 Questions to Ask if You Want to Build a Happy Retirement

By Margaret Manning November 18, 2015

Over the years, the concept of “retirement” has changed significantly. Our grandparents could expect to live a decade or so after reaching retirement age. Now, with life expectancy at age 65 almost double what it was when the Social Security Administration was founded in 1935, life after retirement is changing. Read More

“The 4 Secrets to Finding Mr. Right” Audio Program

By Margaret Manning September 25, 2015

STOP feeling invisible and START attracting quality men with these 4 proven secrets. Finding companionship and love is possible at any age. We’re here to help! Join successful dating coach, Lisa Copeland, as she shares the exact formula that she has used to help hundreds of women find love again. She makes finding that special […]

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How to Start a Business After 50 (Part 5): The Power of Content

By Margaret Manning August 27, 2015

If you have gone through steps 1-4 in my “How to Build a Business After 50” series, you already have a good idea of your strengths and skills. You have probably settled on your profitable business idea. You may have even set up your website. Now what? How can you get the information you need to decide exactly what to build? Equally important, how can you market it to your prospective customers? One way to do both is with content marketing. Read More

Advice for Aging Skin: What Can You Do About Sun-Damaged Skin?

By Sixty and Me August 18, 2015

Most women I know love to spend time outside, doing sports, sunbathing or just hanging out. Unfortunately, our aging skin is the first thing to suffer from our fun in the sun. Read More