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Search Results for: jobs

5 Career Change Ideas Where You Can Make the Most of Your Life Experience

By Elise Christian February 27, 2020

If you’re thinking about making a career change in your 60s, then it’s worth looking at roles that will allow you to really make the most of your life experience…

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Lobster or Chicken? How to Spend Your Money in Retirement

By Elizabeth Dunkel January 20, 2020

I saw this as a little blurb in an AARP article: “When you eat out, do you order lobster or chicken?” I stopped cold. I order the chicken, of course. And now I’m annoyed with myself. Read More

Put Your Talents Back to Work After 60 and Beyond

By Becki Cohn-Vargas December 02, 2019

People transition into retirement in different ways. Some, like professors and therapists, can gradually cut back on their workload. Others enjoy their retirement party and then choose not to have anything to do with their previous career…

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A New Decade Begins – Hello, 2020! Let’s Embrace the New while Staying Wise of the Past

By Elizabeth Dunkel December 01, 2019

Have you considered that our upcoming new year is 2020? It has quite literally snuck up on us! We are entering a new decade. Remember when it turned 2000? Can you believe that it’s now 20 years later?

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3 Ways Retiring Overseas Can Help You Form More (and Stronger!) Friendships

By Sixty and Me November 11, 2019

There’s no doubt that the thought of retiring overseas has its appeal. Lower living expenses – especially housing and health care costs – and a better climate can be very persuasive!

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Pros and Cons of Working in the Burgeoning Gig Economy After You Hit 60

By Hilary Henderson November 06, 2019

When we were growing up, we used the term “gig” in the context of musicians – so and so is doing a gig tonight at such and such a club. In fact, the term was first coined by jazz musicians…

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5 Easy Steps to Choosing Joy in Your 60s

By Debbie Hensleigh October 12, 2019

There is such potential for joy in our 60s and beyond. And, of course, there is also possibility for growing bitter and sad. Without thinking about it, we will probably end up being more of what we’ve always tended towards…

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5 Qualities You Need to Be a Successful Entrepreneur in Retirement

By Hilary Henderson September 24, 2019

Research shows that the number of people planning to leave a traditional “job” and instead go with self-employment is set to rise exponentially by 2020. In many economies, the lack of jobs in the formal sector is driving…

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Retirement Savings Looking a Little Light? Here’s How to Have the Last Laugh

By Margaret Manning August 25, 2019

Realizing that you haven’t saved enough for retirement is one of the worst experiences in the world. You worry about how you will support yourself in retirement. You start to fear getting sick in your old age. You may even start to suffer from feelings of guilt or regret as you look back at all of the bad financial decisions that you made in your life. Read More

Why Being a Nanny is a Life-Changing Job for Retirees

By Sixty and Me August 15, 2019

When our careers are in full swing, we don’t think about the importance of jobs for retirees. Either we assume that we will save enough money to live in comfort in the “best years of our lives” or we look forward to enjoying our freedom in retirement, without working, even if it means cutting back on luxuries.  Read More