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Search Results for: jobs

How to Crush an Overdraft Fee in Under 5-Minutes… I Did it and You Can Too!

By Sixty and Me April 27, 2020

No matter how much money we make, most of us go through life without really ever getting control of our finances. While we are building our careers, we worry more about increasing our income than decreasing our costs…

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Are You Among the Lucky Ones in the Pandemic? 7 Ideas to Pass on Your Government Issued Stimulus Fund

By Ann Marie Mershon April 21, 2020

My husband and I are coping well as we stay at home during the pandemic. We’re actually enjoying this break from our usual busy schedules, starting each day with a morning walk with a few neighbors…

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Embrace the 5 Love Languages and Stop Taking Things for Granted in Your 60s

By Becki Cohn-Vargas April 18, 2020

It is so easy to take things for granted – the ground under our feet, waking up in the morning to a new day and, far too often, our relationships. It is so easy to be critical or to notice what is missing or makes us crazy about our partner, parents, children, friends or coworkers. Read More

About Time – Can We Ever Have Enough of It?

By Ann Richardson April 13, 2020

Time is a very strange phenomenon. For most of our lives, we don’t have enough. We struggle with children and jobs and housework and think “If only I had more time, I would get on with…”

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3 Reasons Boomers Need a Side Hustle More than Millennials

By Sixty and Me April 01, 2020

If the lifestyle gurus are to be believed, starting a side-hustle is one of the surest paths to wealth at any age. But, on the whole, it is Millennials who have truly embraced the “Four Hour Workweek” and similar books.

Rejecting yesterday’s conventional wisdom – “Do well in school, go to college, get a good job, work hard for 45 years and retire” – younger workers are embracing freelancing, following their passions and planning their next job during the orientation for their current one. Read More

How Moving More Supports Your Immune System (Video)

By Claudine Aherne March 23, 2020

Would you like to have a stronger immune system? Would you like to feel more resilient in the face of coughs, colds, bugs, and viruses? Would you like to bounce back quicker from illness?

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Social Security is a Dead Man Walking: You Need a Plan B!

By Sixty and Me March 21, 2020

Social Security is dead. It just hasn’t stopped twitching. This is the only conclusion that I can come to after reviewing all of the available data and considering the political and social environment that we are likely to face over the next 20-30 years.

In fact, the more I think about Social Security, the more I believe that everyone, from recent retirees to Millennials need to assume that this safety net will disappear, in whole, or in part, within the next few decades. Read More

The Poisonous Impact of Losing Your Sense of Control After 60… and the Surprising Antidote

By Sixty and Me March 09, 2020

We all need to feel like we are in control of our lives. We want to believe that our actions matter… that if we do “the right things,” we will be rewarded. Psychologists call this belief – that our actions control our outcomes – our “internal locus of control…”

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4 Crazy Excuses Older Adults Give for Not Starting a Business (#3 Really Makes Me Mad!)

By Sixty and Me March 06, 2020

By the time we reach our 60s, we finally realize that the best way to become a millionaire in retirement is to start investing 10% of everything you make in your 20s. Now, if someone could just invent a time machine so that we could go back…

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3 Reasons to Keep Your Retirement a Secret (Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!)

By Sixty and Me March 05, 2020

Retirement is one of the most important milestones of a person’s life. So, for those of us hard-working (and lucky) enough to actually be able to retire, it is only natural that we would want to scream about our success from the rooftops…

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