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Search Results for: journaling

Dismantling the Myth of Scarcity

By Joanie Marx March 03, 2022

It has been said love and prosperity are less about romantic relationships or the state of your finances and more about a state of mind. This is true when it comes to scarcity. The perception of a lack of anything, be it love, romantic options, money…

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Reframing Your Perception of Self-Love (VIDEO)

By Joanie Marx February 26, 2022

There are many ways you can love all of who you are. But if you have been taught that consistent self-love is narcissistic and too much self-care is selfish, loving who you are may not feel comfortable. In part-3 of the…

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Extra Pandemic Pounds? 2 Steps to Shed Them

By Robin Ola February 22, 2022

I am all about creating new habits by making small changes, one at a time. If you have been reading my articles for a while, this will not surprise you. We must realize, however, that this effective way of developing new actions works for creating…

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5 Keys to Feeling Better When You Are Estranged

By Marie Morin February 15, 2022

At least 27% of individuals in the United States are estranged from one or more family members. Women over 60, who culturally prefer not to air their family’s laundry, are often shrouded in secrecy. Indeed, this makes a lot of sense; all the uncertainty, shame…

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5 Ways to Live a Life of Elegance and Grace After 60

By Robin Griffiths January 24, 2022

I strive to live in the moment each day because of all these demands. We have opportunities every day to learn from the decisions we make. Many of these choices make us stronger. Still, we can struggle with several emotions…

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Habit Change: You Most Certainly CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

By Leslie Moon January 06, 2022

Many of us after 50 and 60 are continuing to look to make changes in our lives. We might want to do the thing we always wanted to do but never got around to. Maybe we want to retire and spend more time with grandchildren or traveling…

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9 Ideas for Managing Dark Days

By Debbie Hensleigh January 01, 2022

Now that the holidays are over, there is no getting around the fact that there is still a long winter to get through. Even in a pandemic, planning for holidays was a distraction from the fact that we are mostly still stuck at home, missing close contact with family…

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Top 4 New Year’s Resolutions for Emotional Eaters over 60 in 2022

By Cassie Christopher December 28, 2021

You know how you create a New Year’s resolution to eat better but then as the year goes on, the stress eating picks up and you can’t resist the siren call of sweets? There is a good reason this happens to you, and it has nothing to do with willpower…

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7 Ways to Face Your Shadow Side and Express Your True Self After 60

By Sheri Saxe December 27, 2021

A few years ago, an older, well-dressed woman walked into my therapy office. She seemed agitated. Nervously, she told me that she was unable to eat or sleep because she was troubled by sexual fantasies about her best friend’s husband…

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How to Deal with Estranged Family During the Holidays

By Marie Morin December 19, 2021

Family estrangement for women in their 60s is more common than you think. About 70 million people in the United States report experiencing estrangement from one or more family members. For some, estrangement is a choice due to self-preservation…

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