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Search Results for: Gentle yoga

How to Sleep Well and Get More from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning September 16, 2019

What pops into your mind when you think about the following question – what does it take to get the most from life after 50? If you are like most people, your thoughts probably jumped to suggestions like “being more productive” or “following your passions…”

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60 Ways to Get More from Life after Retirement

By Margaret Manning September 01, 2019

Reaching retirement is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, after decades of following other peoples’ rules, there is a sense of relief that you will finally get to live the way that you want to. On the other hand…

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No Trip is Complete Without these 10 Travel Essentials

By Sixty and Me August 09, 2019

One of my personal passions is travel. Sometimes, I am fortunate enough to take a cruise or to fly somewhere exotic. But, 9 times out of 10, I just get on a bus or train and go somewhere local. And, when I travel, I always take a few things with me that help me to […]

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5 Simple Morning Rituals that Can Make You Happier and Healthier After 60

By Sixty and Me August 08, 2019

By the time we reach our age, we have plenty of habits. These small rituals build up slowly over time and are seldom chosen consciously.

Take a moment to think about your “typical” weekday morning. Do you stumble out of bed and head straight for the coffee machine? Do you check your email, or Facebook, within a few minutes of getting up? Is there a certain type of cereal that you have eaten for years?

If so, maybe it’s time to develop some new morning rituals. Read More

The Power of Perspective in the Life of a 60-Plus Year Old Woman

By Julia Hubbel August 05, 2019

Early this morning, I woke up in Washington DC, where I’m going to be delivering a speech in the late afternoon. I’m sitting at my desk in the sweet early hours, my workout gear on, ready to head out to the first floor where I know the gym is located. Read More

Be Patient! 5 Ways Playing the Waiting Game Helps After 60

By Sixty and Me July 21, 2019

By our age, you would think that we would have learned how to be patient… but, for many of us, the opposite is true. With fewer years ahead of us than behind us, we are always in a hurry to get things done… and our long term social, financial and mental goals get thrown out […]

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3 Powerful Ways Volunteering Can Enrich Your Life After 60

By Sixty and Me June 27, 2019

One goal that almost all of us share is leaving the world a better place than we entered it. We may not agree on the solutions to the problems facing society and our planet… but, we want our kids and grandkids to have better lives than us. So, today, I would like to talk about one of the main ways that we can give back after 60… by volunteering, teaching and mentoring. Do you volunteer, teach or mentor? Which organizations do you support and why? Please share your suggestions… this may be a great chance to help others to discover your favorite charities and causes.

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Video Interview: An 80-Year-Old Model Shares Her Healthy Aging and Beauty Tips

By Margaret Manning June 09, 2019

As an 80-year-old model and cancer survivor, Valerie Ramsey knows a thing or two about healthy aging. And, as an author and mother of six, she is constantly on the move and always wants to look her best. So, I just had to get her on the show! I honestly enjoyed this interview (link below) so much. Valerie is simply beautiful, inside and out. What do you think of the trend towards more older adults getting involved in modeling? What do you believe are the secrets to healthy aging?

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How to Keep Your Aging Body Flexible (No Gym Required!)

By Margaret Manning May 24, 2019

Flexibility, like balance, is one of those things that we don’t really think about until our aging body forces us to start paying attention! Then, as we start to reach our 50s and 60s, we start to realize that these are not just “nice to haves”… they are essential to getting the most from life. After all, without flexibility and balance, you are at a greater risk for falls and injuries related to daily tasks. So, today, I wanted to invite an expert on the show to talk about how to keep your aging body flexible. How are you keeping your aging body flexible? Do you do yoga? Or, do you just stretch?

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How to Be a Kinder Person Every Day and in Every Way

By Margaret Manning May 14, 2019

Contrary to the aging stereotypes, not all older adults want to live a quiet and peaceful life after 60. Many of us are continuing to work, teach or study, well into our 70s and beyond. And, since so many of us are staying active, I thought that it would be fun to explore what we are uniquely capable of bringing to the world. And, according to Dr. Dale Atkins, who I just interviewed, the one word that stands out is “kindness.” Watch our interview and find out how to bring a smile to the faces of your students, co-workers and teachers in the best years of your life. I hope that you enjoy today’s video! What activities are you taking part in these days? Are you still working? Are you teaching? Or, have you perhaps decided to go back to school?

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