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Search Results for: Gentle yoga

27 Ideas to Expand Your Horizons in These Times of Self-Isolation

By Penelope Jane Whiteley April 07, 2020

If you’re one of the many people currently in isolation, you may be looking at the days stretching ahead with horror. What are you going to do? Here in the UK, all of us septuagenarians…

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Life After Retirement: Is Health More Important than Wealth?

By Margaret Manning April 03, 2020

If you listen to the media, getting ready for life after retirement is all about how much money you can stash away. So, like squirrels, we run around, burying nuts all over the garden, hoping that they will last us through the winter. Then, when we reach retirement (or semi-retirement), we realize that money isn’t everything. Read More

Stuck at Home? 20 Things to Do if You’re Trying to Avoid the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Over Age 60

By Sixty and Me March 26, 2020

Up until now, I’ve haven’t written too much about the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak. But, after much soul-searching, I decided that I had an obligation to help all of you to get through this difficult time…

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Feeling Stressed? 19 Lessons to Help You Find Calm in this Crazy World

By Sixty and Me March 14, 2020

If you’re feeling a bit stressed, you’re not alone. It seems impossible these days to turn on the news without feeling worse about this crazy world that we live in. So, today, I want to share 19 lessons that can really help you to take back control…

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4 Reasons to Move to a Smaller Home in Your 60s (Most Forget #2!)

By Sixty and Me March 09, 2020

Owning a home is an essential part of the American Dream. This is especially true for our generation, which grew up at a time when traditional family living, centered around the cozy home with a well-maintained lawn and a white picket fence, was idealized in magazines and on TV…

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The Second Chakra: Connection, Flow, Movement, and Feelings

By Sheena Nancy Sarles February 24, 2020

The seven Chakras provide us with a wonderful road map for how to age gracefully. Our second chakra is Svadhisthana. The color is orange, the element is water, the energy is connection…

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Fun Things to Do If You are Spending Christmas Alone (Video)

By Margaret Manning December 24, 2019

It’s Christmas day. People have been preparing for months and you’ve happily ignored all the excitement and stress, knowing that none of it applied to you. What do you do when, by choice or chance, you are one of the millions of people around the world spending Christmas day alone? Read More

Our Biggest News in 8 Years!

By Sixty and Me November 26, 2019

I am so happy to announce the launch of our first ever Sixty and Me online shop! In launching our very first store, my goal is to bring a little sunshine, happiness and motivation into your everyday life. Every product will be hand-picked to help you live healthier, find happiness and feel beautiful, inside and out.

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Losing Weight After Menopause Isn’t Fair – But, it’s Still Possible

By Margaret Manning October 22, 2019

If life was fair, losing weight after menopause would be just as easy as at any other stage in our lives. Unfortunately, life isn’t fair. When I was in my 20s, I could look at a pair of walking shoes and drop 5 pounds. Now, in my 60s, it feels like I could run a marathon and gain weight from the water that they served along the way. Read More

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Balance After 50

By Margaret Manning October 04, 2019

It wasn’t the first time I fell, but, as I lay there in the rain, on a quiet Paris street, I vowed that it would be the last time! Several years have passed since my last fall and I don’t know whether I really will make it through my entire life without another. But, I am definitely going to do my best! Read More