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Search Results for: Gentle yoga

Fashion After 60 Tips: 6 Things to Keep and 3 to Toss (Video Interview)

By Margaret Manning December 16, 2018

A large part of fashion at any age is knowing what to keep and what to throw out (or donate!)… and, this is especially true for us older women. After all, many of us have decade’s worth of clothes cluttering up our closets. Since this is such a hot topic for many women, I reached out to fashion expert, Patti Gibbons, of “Not Dead Yet Style.” I think that you will find our conversation fascinating… if a little controversial :) Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Why Online Courses Are a Great Model for Older Entrepreneurs

By Margaret Manning November 26, 2018

I almost gave up on my business a couple of years ago. After years of 12-14 hour days, my two partners and I simply weren’t seeing a return on investment. Worse, we had just sunk tens of thousands of dollars into a social network for older adults. We were tired and we felt like quitting. Read More

My Top 9 Packing and Moving Tips for Women on the Go

By Margaret Manning November 24, 2018

There’s no doubt about it; more than any generation before us, baby boomer women are on the go. We are upsizing, downsizing and rightsizing. We are moving to new cities in retirement, by choice or necessity. And, when we have money, we are traveling. So, today, I would like to offer 9 packing and moving tips for women on the go! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Improving Your Balance Could Save Your Life… Here’s How to Do it!

By Margaret Manning November 22, 2018

Most of us don’t think of balance as a survival skill… but it is! Seriously. Consider the fact that, according to the World Health Organization, 646,000 people die every year from falls. And, who is most at risk? That’s right! People over 65. So, today, I would like to offer some advice for how to improve your balance. I hope that it helps you to stay free and healthy longer. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Nobody Cares About Your Passion Business… But, it Can Still Make You Rich

By Margaret Manning November 16, 2018

Most of us dream of starting a passion business at least once in our lives. Perhaps you love backing and have always wanted to open a bakery or coffee shop. Or, maybe you love collecting stamps and have considered buying and selling them on eBay.

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How to Make Friends as an Adult in 4 Simple Steps

By Margaret Manning October 18, 2018

As many people in their 60s have discovered, making friends as an adult is difficult. Without the social bonds that connect us to others as parents, many of us feel isolated or, even a little lonely. Read More

3 Unexpected Ways Meditation is a Key to Happiness After 60

By Margaret Manning September 10, 2018

Despite the common stereotypes, people over 60 are busy. We are always on the move. And, when we do finally have a moment of silence, we rush to fill it with a thousand small distractions. Did you know that the average person checks their phone 110 times per day? 110 times! Read More

Which of These 6 Fitness Trends Is Right for You?

By Jessica Hegg March 08, 2018

Finding motivation to exercise every single day can be an exercise in itself. Scheduling the time, changing into workout clothes, getting to the gym, showering… The thought alone can make you break a sweat. Read More

Marriage Rates Among Older Adults Rising Due to This One Heart-Warming Fact

By Sixty and Me February 20, 2018

It’s no secret that the concept of marriage has taken a beating in recent years. In movies and on TV, the very idea of tying yourself to someone for life is seen as, at best, antiquated and cute and, at worst, unrealistic and harmful. Read More

Want to Stay Healthy After 60? You’ve Got to Move it, Move it!

By Rebecca Olkowski January 23, 2018

Now that you’re over 60, are you feeling stiff in the joints, have trouble bending over or have slowed down significantly? Do you spend hours sitting in a chair writing, watching TV or sitting on the couch? Read More