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Search Results for: positive thinking

Don’t Deck the Halls (If You Don’t Want to)

By Teresa Beshwate December 03, 2023

If this December you are feeling anything but merry and bright, it’s perfectly okay. There is no requirement to be “in the spirit,” or peaceful or joyful. And by all means, if you don’t feel like it, don’t deck the halls or hang the stockings with care…

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5 Ways to Balance Your Losses with Gains After 60

By Diane Dahli November 27, 2023

You may think that most of your challenges are behind you, but the natural progression of life dictates that unexpected things will happen to you as you age. Few people are ready, as they reach 60, for the onslaught of physical and neurological…

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When Adversity Strikes – Use It for Growth

By Harriet Cabelly November 18, 2023

Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Let’s not just get through the difficulties of our challenges and our adversities, let’s grow through them. Otherwise, what a waste to have them! The old saying, “When life gives you lemons…

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Can Gratitude Stall Healing? Yes, When It’s Forced!

By Teresa Beshwate November 13, 2023

As a life coach for widows, I often talk with people who are using gratitude against themselves. Self-inflicted, forced gratitude is how many people attempt to kick themselves into a better emotional state. It isn’t effective…

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How to Stop Worrying When You Feel Stuck

By Jane Kennard November 11, 2023

When you are having anxiety or you are worrying excessively, days and nights become fretful and wearisome. Chaotic thoughts and feelings disrupt any sense of calm or hope. Staying preoccupied and distracted creates frustration and overwhelm…

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5 Effective Ways to Stay Motivated in Life After 60

By Joan Frances Moran November 11, 2023

On those days when your mature woman mojo isn’t plugged in and your mind and body simply refuse to move, how do you climb out of bed, get motivated, and stay on the most effective, positive path? The struggle begins when you pull…

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Is Living with Pain Stopping You from Enjoying Life After 60?

Is pain a growing fear as you age? Is it part of your identity once you pass the sixty gate? When I was ten years old, a boy swung a shovel with a rusty corner at a bee. I had just stooped down to the ground to pick something up…

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End of Marriage Advice: How to Rebuild Trust After a Divorce in Your 60s

By Martha Bodyfelt October 29, 2023

The reason we struggle with trust after a divorce is because we feel like we’ve been betrayed. It’s a crappy weight to have on your shoulders. Similar to its other invasive cousins – anger, guilt, and resentment – losing trust after your long-term…

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Who Are You? Your Thoughtful Answer May Support Your Higher Purpose

By T. Kari Mitchell October 22, 2023

Have you been wondering how you’re supposed to show up at this critical stage of your life? Aligning your essence with your mission may be a good place to start because your passions and purpose in life are inextricably tethered…

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Dating in the Life of a Dating Coach over 60

By Michele Burghardt October 19, 2023

One of the benefits my coaching clients get when working with me is that I’m walking the walk and talking the talk right along with them. I’m single, over 60, and looking for love. Because of this, I thought it could be helpful for you to go on a first date…

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