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Search Results for: positive thinking

Why Optimistic Women Live Longer and Healthier – Are You One of Them?

By Lucinda Sykes September 15, 2023

Optimism supports women’s good health – especially in aging. That’s the evidence of dozens of research studies. People with an optimistic attitude tend to have better health outcomes and more years of healthy life. In fact, if optimism were a drug…

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How to Deal with “Relocation” Anxiety

By Jane Kennard September 07, 2023

Are you considering relocating or are you in the process of relocating to downsize or be near family or let go of a house that has become unmanageable? Perhaps, due to health challenges, you are moving to an assisted living facility…

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How to Fall in Love with Your Future Self! (5 Fabulous Self-Love Tips)

By Astrid Longhurst September 06, 2023

When I was in my 20s, I thought that 60 was old. My upbringing had painted pictures and stories in my mind of grey, fragile women who had ceased to follow their passions or keep their dreams alive. However, at 63, I am nothing like those images…

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5 Steps to Free Yourself from Drama After 50

By Kim Brassor August 27, 2023

There are two sides to every story, and three sides to every drama. Those three sides are what David Emerald, author of The Power of TED* calls DDT, the Dreaded Drama Triangle. Language is powerful. Most of what we communicate…

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Summer Theater Is Hot

By Ann Boland August 19, 2023

Used to be that smaller live theaters did not run year-round. That changed in the last five years. Ok, there is nothing scheduled for August, but Chicago keeps producing excellent theater while drumming up season subscriptions for 2023/24…

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Do You Journal? 7 Reasons Why You Should!

By Janet Gourand August 18, 2023

I’ve been journaling since I was a grumpy teenager. It all started when I received a Christmas present of a 5-Year Diary. I was underwhelmed until I noticed that it had a lock with a little golden key. That lock inspired me to start writing…

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What to Do When Stepping on the Scale Unleashes Your Inner Self-Critic

By Cassie Christopher August 18, 2023

You step on the scale and the number staring back at you is higher than you wanted. For some, this can start a cycle of self-criticism and restrictive eating that can corrode self-esteem and ruin your day. Take Mary for example. She had been put on a diet…

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Time Out – The Powerful Benefits of Daily Dancing

By T. Kari Mitchell August 08, 2023

We all know the importance of taking breaks throughout the day to keep us refreshed and energized. What do your daytime breaks look like? Are they satisfying? Whether you need a break from your work or a brief intermission from sitting too long…

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Sign Up to Show Up: How to Torture Yourself into Change (And Have Fun in the Process)

By Danna Walker August 04, 2023

My mantra when I was a manager at an internet company was: Embrace constant positive change. I used to relay that to my staff all the time. It came from a tech guru I admired, and considering the fast pace of the work we were doing…

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Ready to Become Anxiety Free?

By Jane Kennard August 03, 2023

If daily skirmishes with anxiety leave you frustrated and worn out, you are certainly not alone. I was a worrier for many years. Back then I thought anxiety was just the way things were. If you’re alive… you worry. My mother worried and so I worried…

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