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Search Results for: resolutions

Want to Make Exercising Easy? Celebrate More!

By Claudine Aherne April 09, 2022

Do you have all the right intentions with exercise, but this isn’t always enough? Do you make plans for a workout or a walk, but things get in the way, and you don’t manage it? Would you like exercising to become a regular habit for you?

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3 Steps for Having Fun as You Age

By Delia Lloyd March 20, 2022

Like many people, I was simultaneously horrified and energized by a recent essay in The New York Times entitled, “How Covid Stole Our Time and How We Can Get it Back.” Its basic point was as follows: Most of us have eaten up hundreds of thousands…

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Rethinking the New Year’s Resolution

By Amy Newmark March 01, 2022

By now, we’ve accepted that whatever grandiose plans we made on January 1st are not working out. But we are not alone. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail, and most people lose their resolve by mid-February…

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Extra Pandemic Pounds? 2 Steps to Shed Them

By Robin Ola February 22, 2022

I am all about creating new habits by making small changes, one at a time. If you have been reading my articles for a while, this will not surprise you. We must realize, however, that this effective way of developing new actions works for creating…

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How Unusual Is Your New Year’s Resolution and Does It Involve Laughter?

By Noelle Nelson January 23, 2022

We are off to a new year, with our hopes, our fears, our dreams, and, of course – our resolutions. Along with the usual goals of weight loss/gain, exercise enhancement, being a better parent/spouse/colleague…

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The Gawk Factor: How to Use It to Your Advantage

By Marie Burns January 07, 2022

Now that we are in the month of New Year’s resolutions, we often have change on our mind. We all have something we know we want or need to improve in our lives. The hardest part can often be getting motivated to make that change, identifying…

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5 Tips for Dating Intentions in 2022

By Andrea McGinty January 06, 2022

As one of my dear friends posted on Facebook this week “My New Year resolution is to open a Yoga studio for 2 weeks, then turn it into a wine bar.” Hah! We see how long resolutions last, right? So, let’s glide gently into 2022, alleviate the stress…

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Five Books to Kick Off 2022

By Pam Lamp December 31, 2021

Many of my friends make book-reading resolutions each year. They might set up a personal Reading Challenge on Goodreads, a free book recommendation site. Bookworms decide how many books they’d like to read in the next 365…

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Weight! I Don’t Want to Carry This Around Anymore

By Terri Edmund December 27, 2021

From the time I quit smoking on Super Bowl Sunday of my 40th year until I broke up with my ex 20-some years later, my five-foot frame lugged around an extra 25 pounds. The Body Mass Index pegged me squarely as obese. Looking back at old photos…

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Let’s Start the New Year with Purpose

By Mike Pukanic December 26, 2021

After the challenges of the past two years, most of us are looking forward to the hope that comes with a New Year. For many people, that means making a list of new year’s resolutions or a “resolve” to replace bad habits like regularly eating…

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