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Search Results for: Yoga

7 Ways to Prevent Falls and Related Injuries

By Joy Stephenson-Laws February 08, 2019

I saw a startling statistic that alarmed me, and I think it will alarm you as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an older adult is treated for a fall in the Emergency Room every 11 seconds, and an elderly person dies from a fall every 19 minutes! Read More

Thanks for the Journey! Learning to Love Your Body in Your 60s

By Margaret Manning February 05, 2019

Are you learning to love your body? Do you really appreciate your body now that you are in your 60s? This are the questions posed in a beautiful article written by one of our Sixty and Me bloggers, Elizabeth Dunkel.

In it, she says that her body has “Walked everywhere, run on beaches, hiked on mountains, skied and skated. It has walked cities, strolled through museums and sat in cathedrals and concerts around the world.” Read More

Women’s Circles: A True Lifeline for Women After 60

By Jan Moore January 31, 2019

The first women on Earth are certain to have gathered together around a fire. They probably made meals together, fashioned clothing, and shared stories. Read More

I Hate the Gym! 9 Alternative Exercises for Active Older Adults

By Margaret Manning January 30, 2019

Every time I join the gym, I experience a surge of adrenaline. I feel like I am *finally* doing something to really get in shape. Then, after about 2 weeks, my motivation wanes and I find myself feeling worse than I did before! Thank goodness there are alternative exercises that I actually love! Today, I’d like to share 9 ways to stay in shape, even if the idea of going to the gym doesn’t appeal to you in the least! I hope you find today’s video fun and helpful! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Loving Life After 60: Are You Living Where Your Soul Feels at Home?

By Elizabeth Dunkel January 28, 2019

I live in the tropical jungle and dream of cities and cold. A friend lives in an Edwardian, Edinburgh townhouse and dreams of a chic, modern glass dwelling at the beach. Read More

Love Your Curves! 5 Fashion Tips for Women of All Shapes and Sizes (Video)

By Margaret Manning January 07, 2019

As you know, I’m all about breaking aging and beauty stereotypes. And, one of the stereotypes that bugs me the most is the idea that you have to be a certain shape or size to dress fashionably. What nonsense! So, in today’s video, I want to encourage all of the women in our community – and especially the curvy women, like me – to embrace clothes that make them feel like a million bucks. Here are 5 fashion tips for women of all shapes and sizes. Enjoy the show! Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Accepting Aging: Letting Go of the Younger Self That We’ve Left Behind

By Stephanie Raffelock January 05, 2019

A friend of mine is limping into his 60s with a sense of loss. Loss of youth, energy and significance. I understand all of that and believe that most of us go through a passage where we grieve the younger life we’ve left behind. Read More

4 Amazing Things Happen When You Start Doing Balance Exercises After 50

By Margaret Manning January 04, 2019

Most people think that balance exercises are for preventing falls. Nothing could be further from the truth! Read More

Top 3 Tech-Inspired New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

By Jennifer Stern December 29, 2018

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Are they always the same? Are you looking to improve your knowledge of technology and its many uses? Why not update your old, same resolutions with tech-inspiration? Read More

What Will You Resolve to Do in 2019? The Case for Doing What We Love…

By Julia Hubbel December 28, 2018

Some four thousand years ago in Babylonia, the people celebrated the planting of new crops and the beginning of the new year. At the end of the elaborate, 12-day, religious festival Akitu, the people of Mesopotamia would support the existing king or crown a replacement. Read More