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Search Results for: Yoga

How to be an Independent Woman After 60

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2013

Sixty and Me is a community that values independence. I am reminded of a quote by T.S Eliot “We shall not cease from exploration, and in the end find ourselves back where we started but know the place for the first time.” Read More

6 Suggestions for a Healthy Brain

By Margaret Manning January 02, 2013

We all care about keeping our brains healthy as we age. Unfortunately, with so much conflicting information, it’s difficult to know where to start. It’s even challenging to know what is “normal” when it comes to brain health. Read More

Stop Being Afraid of Turning 60 – The Best is Yet to Come!

By Margaret Manning December 31, 2012

Are you absolutely terrified about turning 60? If so, it’s important that you consider just why you are filled with trepidation. It’s just a number after all.

Is leaving your 50’s such a big deal? Many women are able to take turning 60 in their stride and to relish the new decade. For others, turning 60 is depressing, daunting and instigates feelings of anxiety. No-one wants to grow old but Read More

Happy 60th Birthday! It’s a Milestone. So, Celebrate!

By Margaret Manning December 30, 2012

In 1987, there was a popular television series called thirtysomething. It was about a group of yuppie baby boomers in their thirties who were dealing with the angst of selling out their hippie ideals for suburbia America. I loved the women on that show because Read More