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Search Results for: relationships

The Three Pillars to Level Up Your Purpose: Wise Women Create with Others

By Ardith Bowman June 25, 2021

We continue to explore the three pillars that support you creating a life of meaning and purpose. The first pillar is strengthening your relationship with your own wisdom and guidance. The second is aligning yourself with the abundance of life…

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Musings on Being a Grandmother in a Strange World

By Diana Raab June 19, 2021

My oldest grandchild just turned five, and since he was born, I have been blessed with four more grandchildren. Becoming a grandparent has been a magical experience for me. I never knew that it would elicit an entirely new set of thoughts and emotions…

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Do You Worry About Growing Older Alone? Here’s What to Do About it!

By Lori Martinek June 19, 2021

Women are worriers by nature. We worry about our families, our friends and our future. Those of us who live alone have learned to be independent – but that doesn’t stop us from worrying about the years ahead. As a single small business owner who lives alone…

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Dare to Date Someone Different

By Andrea McGinty June 18, 2021

Searching for love is never easy, even in the best of times. This past year, however, may have been the worst of times. Quarantine left so many of us isolated that it’s not surprising to hear rates of anxiety and depression have soared. On the other hand…

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6 Compelling Books by a Neuroscientist

By Pam Lamp June 17, 2021

Still Alice, published in 2007, was a tough book for me to read. My dear mother-in-law suffered from Alzheimer’s, and the novel hit way too close to home. As I muddled through the touching story, a combination of neurological facts…

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Say Sorry the Right Way: Make Sure Your Apology Is Sincere!

By Ginny McReynolds June 15, 2021

If you’re like me, the phrase “I’m sorry” makes regular appearances in your conversations. I say it when I’m late, when I feel embarrassed, when someone tells me they feel sad about something. I also say it when the person I’m addressing looks…

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Checklist: Loaning Money to Friends and Family

By Marie Burns June 07, 2021

Sometimes you can become an “expert” in an area of life by learning from the School of Hard Knocks versus a real brick and mortar educational institution. That is the case with my topic this month as I share some healthy advice about loaning money to family…

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Help! My Relationship Has Been Storyboarded After a Breakup!!!

By Diane Koller May 25, 2021

At one time I felt that Jonathan, aka Darth Vader, was the “Man of My Dreams” – my “last lover” (and exactly how many “lovers” do I wish to accumulate? Not too many is the hope…). Weird how one can believe in fairytale romance…

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6 Ways to Thrive and Flourish After 60

By Terry Arzt May 23, 2021

My husband and I just celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary. We met almost 50 years ago. We are getting old. The years have passed so quickly. We look older and, many days, feel older. But I generally don’t mind. I care less about the passing years…

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How to Find Acceptance in Friends and Family When Deciding to Downsize

By C. Coles May 18, 2021

As someone working with people in transition, I meet a lot of interesting women. Amanda is one of them. A wonderful, professional woman approaching 60, Amanda had her mind made up. After spending several months carefully considering…

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