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Search Results for: relationships

Living Small but Having It All

By Rita Wilkins September 22, 2021

Downsizing is on the minds of many baby boomers right now, but with that comes the concern that if you downsize your home, you might also be downgrading your life and your lifestyle. After all, you’ve become accustomed to more space…

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5 Mistakes Boomer Women Often Make on the Road to Happiness – and 3 Things You Can Do Instead

By Joan Frances Moran September 17, 2021

Before I made an intentional decision at the beginning of this year to wake up every day with joy, I thought about mistakes that women make on the road to happiness. I began to draw a considerable list of no-nos – thinking patterns that produce adverse…

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How to Create Healthy Boundaries, so Your Needs are Met

By Marie Morin September 14, 2021

In our 60s, attending to our needs and improving our relationships is more important than ever before. Time is of the essence, but making the most of our time takes practice. One way to enrich our lives is by applying boundaries to accommodate…

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How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself in Your 60s

By Christine Field September 14, 2021

Do you ever feel like the Universe or other people are out to get you? Interestingly, the greatest enemy you’ll ever face is staring back at you in the mirror. It knows all your tricks and how to push your buttons. Maybe you sabotage yourself in ways…

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Do I Need a Dating Consultant? Here Are 4 Signs That You Do

By Andrea McGinty September 11, 2021

It’s no secret that dating can be really tough. While dating can be a fun, carefree experience for some, for others it can sometimes feel like a full-time job. If you’re starting to think of dating more as a job, then you might benefit from working with a dating coach…

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4 Reasons Why More Women Over 50 Are Getting Divorced

By Ellen Bachmeyer August 29, 2021

Did you know that more than 50% of marriages fail when couples reach their 50s and 60s? That is a staggering number and is on the rise! Why are we seeing more divorce now? First of all, we are living longer. Women are asking themselves if their marriages…

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How to Age Gracefully When You Are Highly Self-Critical (Find Out if You’re a Perfectionist)

By Marie Morin August 18, 2021

According to the late Mr. Bowie, the process of graceful aging brings one to become their authentic self. Have you been your authentic self? Since we are all in this together, I’ll volunteer that I have been too concerned about the assessments of others…

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Silver Singles Review – Read this before you sign up

By Jessica Thomas August 11, 2021

Dating can be challenging for people in any age group. But, these challenges are only compounded for older Americans. Popular dating and hook-up sites like Bumble and Tinder likely just don’t feel like the right fit. But, there are options available that will help people in this age group find true love or even just […]

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Asking for and Accepting Help: How Difficult Can It Be?

By Fran Braga Meininger August 07, 2021

I’ve always been strong, resilient and able bodied, the first to rush to the rescue of others, the one who shows up, brings food, and can face with my friends what life delivers on a bad day. What I am not, is good with asking for and accepting help…

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Acting Normal in a Reopening World

By Ardith Bowman August 06, 2021

It seems social activities are opening back up to varying degrees depending on where you live. For me here in Oregon, there are opportunities to gather, attend live events and shop without masks, at least at the moment. As I begin to be more active…

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