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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Technology and the Older Person

By Patsy Trench December 27, 2023

If you are reading this, I already know one or two things about you. Firstly, that you are (probably) over 60. You are (probably but not necessarily) female, and lastly, that you at least have some grip on technology. We’re online after all, and a lot of us…

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Let’s Change the Bad Rap of New Year’s Resolutions

By Linda Ward December 26, 2023

Starting the new year is a perfect time to re-evaluate, have a fresh look at your life, and begin a few new ways. Some people feel the urge to start things over on their birthday, or the beginning of a new year of marriage. At work the urge is triggered by year end…

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5 Yoga-Based Poses That Will Help You Overcome Your Fear of Falling (VIDEO)

By Felicia Reid December 26, 2023

Ask a group of older adults what they’re most afraid of as they age and almost always one of them will say, ‘falling’. Falling when you’re older often has consequences. According to a US nationwide study done by Texas A&M University Health Science Center…

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Abstract Thinking and Dementia: 4 Exercises to Keep Your Brain Fit as You Age

By Noreen Kolesar December 25, 2023

If dementia was a bowl of homemade vegetable soup, each ingredient would represent a different symptom of the disease. Naturally, no two bowls of soup are the same. The symptom most people associate with dementia…

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7 Ways to Manage Varicose Veins

By Sophie Chung December 24, 2023

Noticing varicose veins in the mirror can be upsetting for some. While they aren’t exactly the most welcome companion, there’s often a way to deal with them so you can feel more confident. But what are varicose veins and how can you…

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Strength Versus Stretch – Is This the Right Question?

By Sarah Purcell December 24, 2023

Traditionally, many trainers and movement teachers have considered strengthening and stretching to be opposites. But I would like to tell you why they are not, and how reframing your thinking will support you in more well-rounded…

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How to Recognize the Difference Between Dreams and Goals in Your 60s

By Ann Tanmayi Bruce December 23, 2023

Most of us are familiar with goals and goal-making. For many of us, setting goals is an integral part of achievement and success. As we age, new goals begin or older ones are reviewed through a mid-life career change, personal…

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3 Reasons to Stay Active During the Holidays (VIDEO)

By Claudine Aherne December 23, 2023

Have you found that you lose the motivation to exercise during the holidays? When your routine changes for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays, does your exercise routine fall by the wayside? Many people find they lose their regular exercise…

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7 Unique Ideas to Make 2024 Different

By Tammi Kaeberlein December 22, 2023

Have you ever made a resolution you didn’t keep? I know I have. Maintaining resolutions can be challenging. Research suggests that around 8% to 10% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Does it stop you from making resolutions?

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6 Surprising Ways Herbal Remedies Can Benefit Your Body After 60

By Sally Wong December 22, 2023

When I begin a conversation about the benefits of herbs and herb oils for the body, people unfamiliar with my work assume I am talking about a culinary approach. They are partly correct. Herbs do offer texture to dishes and add flavor, but they…

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