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Search Results for: weight lifting

Don’t Let These 8 Important Healthy Aging Habits Get Away from You

By Joan Frances Moran February 19, 2024

Life can get super busy. You lunge from pillar to post in a matter of minutes, forget appointments, miss food items from your list at the supermarket, can’t fit in daily exercise, or fail to call people you promised to call…

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Grief and Loss in Later Life – Insights from a Life Coach and Former Funeral Director

By Diane Bruno January 26, 2024

Loss is an inevitable part of the human experience, and as we age, the frequency of bidding farewell to loved ones increases. As a life coach who has walked the path of grief and loss, having spent years as a funeral director, I understand the complexities…

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Best Foundation Options for Mature Skin

By Sandra Roussy January 20, 2024

Foundation is an essential item in all makeup collections. As the name suggests, it’s the foundation upon which to build the rest of your makeup. We all know the expression, “You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation”…

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Your Pelvis Sets the Stage (Literally) for a Healthy Upright Spine at Any Age (Simple Exercises!)

By Kathleen Porter January 18, 2024

It’s rare to find people in our society, especially past a certain age, who sit or stand with a fully-elongated, upright spine. In fact, chronic rounding of the spine…

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There’s More to Healthy Bones Than Calcium!

By Sophia Smith January 17, 2024

Bone weakening and osteoporosis are common problems for everyone over 60 but especially for postmenopausal women over the age of 65. Luckily, there are things you can do preserve your bones and make them healthier, regardless of your age…

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How to Harness the Power of Laughter

By Alainnah Robertson December 15, 2023

Laughter, that contagious expression of joy, has the incredible ability to brighten our days and uplift our spirits. Charlie Chaplin said that a day without laughter is a day wasted. Humour probably became an essential part of our ancestors’ culture…

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Osteopenia and Osteoporosis – Knowing the Difference and Protecting Your Bone Health

By Cheryl Therrien December 06, 2023

Both osteopenia and osteoporosis are conditions that indicate an issue with bone mineral density. Osteopenia is considered by many doctors to be the precursor to osteoporosis. However, not everyone who is diagnosed…

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Don’t Hibernate! Here’s How Boomer Women Can Stay Active in the Winter Months

By Jessica Hegg November 23, 2023

The cold chill during these beautiful autumn days signal the coming of winter. You’re probably winter proofing your home and slowly rotating in your chunky sweaters and heavy coats so that when that first snow hits, you’re ready…

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Navigating the Holidays with Grace When Dealing with Estrangement

By Marie Morin November 19, 2023

As we embrace the holiday season, filled with its customary warmth and family festivities, it’s essential to recognize that this time can present unique challenges for parents and adult children navigating estrangement. If you are in this situation…

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Want to Feel Like a Queen in Your Home? 3 Empowering Tips

By Beate Schilcher September 22, 2023

Feeling like a queen requires neither a palace nor servants nor a big bank account. It simply means to be fully supported by the space you call your home. Within her home, the queen has all she needs to be the best version of herself…

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