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Search Results for: positive thinking

4 Terrible Financial Mistakes Empty Nesters Make… and How to Fix Them

By Sixty and Me August 17, 2019

This is a difficult article for me to write. After all, I’m not writing from a position of strength. Like many of the 1000s of baby boomer women I have talked to since starting Sixty and Me, I made all of the financial mistakes below. Read More

5 Simple Morning Rituals that Can Make You Happier and Healthier After 60

By Sixty and Me August 08, 2019

By the time we reach our age, we have plenty of habits. These small rituals build up slowly over time and are seldom chosen consciously.

Take a moment to think about your “typical” weekday morning. Do you stumble out of bed and head straight for the coffee machine? Do you check your email, or Facebook, within a few minutes of getting up? Is there a certain type of cereal that you have eaten for years?

If so, maybe it’s time to develop some new morning rituals. Read More

The Surprising Connection Between Health and Happiness

By Margaret Manning August 06, 2019

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, what do you see? Do your eyes dance quickly over your reflection, too quickly to settle on any one body part? Or, perhaps you pull in your stomach, hold back your hair and pause to evaluate yourself. Are you happy with what you see? Read More

If You Think You Can, You Can – and Your 6+ Decades Can’t Stop You!

By Noelle Nelson July 05, 2019

A couple of my friends decided to take up tennis recently. They’re both in their mid-60s, neither of them particularly athletic, both in decent health. Tennis seemed like a fun activity that would get them out in the fresh air…

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Is Marriage for You? Are You Open to a New Journey This Side of 60?

By Peg Doyle June 22, 2019

My passion has always been helping women with their nutrition by viewing food as just one of several components of nourishment. But nourishment comes not only from food, but also from the way we live our lives…

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Don’t Let Self-Criticism Prevent You from Getting the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning June 10, 2019

Life after 60 is complicated. Over the decades, we have experienced a full spectrum of emotions. We have loved and lost. We have passed milestones and celebrated accomplishments. But, no matter how full our lives have been, we are filled with questions.

Did I make the right decisions with my life? Did I do enough? Did I choose the right balance between my career and my family? Was I a good parent and spouse? Do you have any of these thoughts? Read More

3 Ways to Incorporate More Kindness into Your Grandparenting

By Sixty and Me June 05, 2019

It’s a rare grandmother who doesn’t look at her grandchildren with concern about what the next few decades have in store. Will we continue on our path of growing disconnectedness from each other…

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4 Ways Keeping a Journal Can Help You to Find Happiness

By Margaret Manning April 17, 2019

Like many women my age, I spend hours in front of my computer every day. As the founder of Sixty and Me, it’s rare for me to type fewer than 2000 words before lunch. But, despite the fact that I am completely comfortable with technology, I still love my leather bound journal.

There is something about putting pen to paper that takes me to another world and makes all of my fears and worries fade away, if only for a moment. Do you feel the same? Read More

Socially Responsible Retirement Planning: Save the World and Enrich Your Life

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2019

As older women already or about to be retired, many of us have begun thinking about the legacies we’d like to leave. We want to leave the world better than we found it, but we need our investments to keep us afloat financially once we’re no longer in the workplace. Is it possible to do both? Read More

How Do You Protect Your Mind After 60? Try These 4 Techniques!

By Joan Frances Moran April 02, 2019

The idea that you can retain the power to stretch your mind after you hit 60 and still have the ability to mentally defend yourself against the negative influences that often pervade your consciousness powerfully increases your sense of self and well-being. Read More