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Search Results for: aging well

Is it Aging or Is It Processed Foods?

By Joan Ifland August 09, 2023

I’m over 70, and I don’t feel like I’m aging. I’m just as active as I’ve been for the last 25 years. My recent annual physical showed perfect blood work and no ailments. Why? Because I know the difference between aging and processed foods…

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The Little Lines on My Face, A.K.A. Signs of Aging

By Leslie Ginnes July 30, 2023

You look across the table at your long-time friend over the ‘every Wednesday’ morning cup. Do you see her as aging? Do you see her as she was when you first met? This April I realized I was older. It may seem strange since we all age every day…

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Stop Beating Yourself Up! Embrace Your Clutter! (Well, Some of It Anyway)

By Danna Walker July 03, 2023

I recently paid a high price to figure out I can’t and won’t get rid of all my clutter. Even my “throw-it-all-out” husband colluded with me in this discovery. I say this after: Putting 30 garbage bags full of my clothes out for a porch pickup from Purple Heart…

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10 Ways to Prioritize Your Health and Well-being While Coping with Divorce

By Beverly Price July 02, 2023

Have you prioritized your health during your divorce? Most women would answer no. With the overwhelm and emotions from divorce, the last thing many of us think about is our health. We have a long history of taking care of everyone else, but not ourselves…

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How Well Do You Maintain Your Body?

By Alainnah Robertson June 22, 2023

My favorite philosopher, Socrates, said, “It’s a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” The ancient Greek physician Herophilus stated, “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, strength…

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Do You Know WHY Breathing Is a Key Factor in Your Wellness?

By Sarah Purcell June 20, 2023

I think of breathing in two different ways, after we acknowledge that breathing is mandatory for life and air always enters into the lungs. #1: I use breath in a way that helps me to harness my reflexive core in exercise or to manage load…

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7 Pro-Aging Tricks that Every Woman Over 60 Should Know

By Margaret Manning June 20, 2023

If I see one more online ad with a tagline like “Doctors hate her! Discover the one weird trick this woman used to look 10 years younger,” I’m going to scream. I’m not sure what makes me more frustrated – the fact…

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How Much Do We Owe Our Aging Parents?

By Alisa Sabin June 07, 2023

There are approximately 44 million adults in the United States of America caring for their aging parents. People are living longer. With this comes the stress of being older ourselves when our parents need a caregiver. Many people over 60 have found…

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Anti-Aging and Longevity Drug? What Studies Say About Rapamycin

By Tammi Kaeberlein June 03, 2023

The first time that I heard of the drug rapamycin was in the year 2000, when my dad just barely survived heart transplant surgery. Miraculously though, he did, and his doctors gave him rapamycin to prevent his body from rejecting his new heart. He’s been on rapamycin, or a very similar drug, ever since. What […]

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Brain Health and Aging: How Are They Related? (VIDEO)

By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton May 08, 2023

The brain is a fascinating and mysterious part of the human anatomy. There is still much we don’t know about how the brain functions in its many varied ways. We lose brain cells as we age, and the dilemma of dementia and Alzheimer’s is increasing, worldwide…

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