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Search Results for: aging well

You Won’t Believe My Secret Weapon for Dressing Well as a Woman Over 60

By Michele Meier Vosberg May 02, 2023

Do you consider yourself well-dressed? Are you a fashionista? Some women over 60 were fashion icons in their earlier years and remain as such today…

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Vitality Domain #1 – Loving Life with Well-Being and Energy

By Ardith Bowman April 14, 2023

Well-being and energy comprise the first area for us to explore as we seek to influence our “health span.” It is all about our fitness, diet, managing stress, play and living a life that energizes us. In a way, this is the most challenging area to influence…

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How to Locate the Best and Healthiest Places for Aging Alone

By Carol Marak April 11, 2023

Globally, there are 604 million (plus) people in the 65 and older category. This has created a demand for research on how to live better as people move beyond the working years. Studies suggest drilling down on individual behaviors that affect the health…

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3 Tips for Managing Skin Tags as You Get a Little Older

By Barbara Klein April 05, 2023

I’m not the only woman with Acrochordon. This is not wishful thinking. You probably do too. “What?’” you ask. Well, what if I called it skin tags? Ah, yes. Even if I didn’t know the prevalence of the strange–looking little things, I have had friends…

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Vibrant Aging Starts with the Right Nutrients

By Felicia Reid March 26, 2023

Spring is a great time to kickstart a health plan. Think about what you’ve been doing to help yourself thrive as you age. If nothing comes to mind, nutrition is always a good place to begin. The right nutrition will set you up for better sleep, energy…

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Knowing Myself Series Part 4: Letting Others In (Managing Annoying Me)

By Ilene Marcus February 24, 2023

If you want to learn how to swim, you start on dry land. Walking slowly in, you acclimate to the water, literally letting it wash over you as you wade in. Eventually, the watch is up to your shoulders, covers most of your body and you put your head…

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Boosting Brain Health Is Pro-Aging

By Julie Ambachew January 27, 2023

As we age, changes continue happening throughout the body, and the brain is no exception. Most people experience a little bit of forgetfulness as they age, especially in their 60s and 70s. Changes within the brain may result in potential impacts…

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Why Gratitude Matters for Our Own Well-being

By Alainnah Robertson January 20, 2023

Since time immemorial, people have been discussing the quality of gratitude. Plato (427–347 BCE) said, “A grateful mind is a great mind, which eventually attracts to itself great things.” Aristotle (384–322 BCE), a pupil of Plato, pointed out the relationship…

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Embracing a Different Kind of Bad-Ass Aging

By Maggie Marangione January 18, 2023

I got old too soon. I know what you are thinking, don’t we all. But I really did, or at least I felt like I did. Menopause at 46, debilitating arthritis that is causing my joints to be replaced, and let’s not even begin to talk about what happened to my middle…

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The Forgotten Key to Well-Being and What We Can Do About It

By Gloria Thiessen January 06, 2023

There’s an ancient saying that goes something like this: What we give our attention to, grows. If our attention goes to the relentless need to do it all and to please everyone along the way, over time living this way will come at the expense of our health…

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