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Search Results for: relationships

How to Balance Freedom and Commitment in Your Marriage After 60

By Diane Dahli September 24, 2022

It takes more than love and determination to make a marriage work. People in successful marriages know that they have to compromise, they have to accept a certain loss of independence, sacrifice some of their goals, and more often…

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Emotional Freedom from Surface Level Healing

By Joanie Marx September 23, 2022

Have you ever wondered why, after healing an emotional wound from your past, you still find yourself instantly triggered by the same issue years later? If you can relate, you are not alone. In this article, and the accompanying video…

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7 Habits to Help You Live Long and Prosper Into Your 80s and 90s

By Douglas Winslow Cooper September 18, 2022

Do you want to live to be 98? My mother lived that long. She enjoyed almost all but her last year. Do you think you’d still enjoy life into your 90s? I just took a very brief MetLife Insurance Company online test, and based on that…

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How to Deal with Discrimination at Work

By Elise Christian September 18, 2022

Thousands of people across the globe experience discrimination at work every year, so it’s important to know what to do if it happens to you. To discriminate against someone means to treat them unfairly because of who…

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How to Move Past the Wounds of Estrangement and Find Relief

By Marie Morin September 13, 2022

Feeling numb, dumbfounded, angry, and depressed over the angst of being cut off from a family member is expected. Estrangement can occur with adult children, mothers, fathers, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandchildren…

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4 Reasons Why You Need to Practice Gratitude Regularly (ASAP)

By Cyn Meyer September 10, 2022

As you know, gratitude is the quality of being thankful. It’s a readiness to show appreciation for, and to return, kindness. To encourage you to practice gratitude regularly (as in, daily), here are four big benefits that come from gratitude…

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5 Bad First Date Questions… and 5 Good Ones!

By Andrea McGinty September 08, 2022

As I listen to my clients share weekly information about their dates, I’m often surprised at what they asked the person they met on a first date… or vice-versa. My take? Some of these questions reminded me of job interviews in my 20s. I thought…

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What If a “Little Crazy” Is Just What You Need?

By Chris Hilicki September 06, 2022

The season of fall stirs up our love-hate relationship with change. After this particular topsy-turvy summer, we’d love to return to some familiar and comfortable routines. But as the days are shorter and the nights are longer, fall reminds us…

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Saving Family Memories Will Pay Dividends for Generations to Come

By Barbara Klein September 06, 2022

I am sure you recall hearing kids groaning ‘oh, not that story again.’ It might have been in a private setting or embarrassingly public, but the sagging shoulders and bored faces are the same. You might even have been one of those…

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How to Make Tough Decisions? Follow Your Heart!

By Ann Richardson September 05, 2022

We make decisions all our lives and, indeed, every day. Most of these are straight-forward and don’t require a lot of thought. What shall I have for lunch? Shall I read a book or watch the TV this evening? Should I phone up my daughter for a chat?

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