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Search Results for: being present

How to Fight Back Against Retirement Anxiety and Find Your True Self

By Ginny McReynolds April 08, 2023

I was the first of my close friends to retire – by a long shot. Even most of my work friends had another five years to go. Only then they could turn off the alarm clock and plan their days to their liking. To my surprise, I experienced at least a year…

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When Is It Time to Hire an In-Home Caregiver?

By Danielle Miura April 05, 2023

Many adults are happy and healthy, aging in place. However, as they age, they may encounter physical and mental changes that can interfere with their independent lifestyle. A decline in their health may indicate a need for extra support…

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Parenting Adult Children: How to Respond When Your Child Has a Problem

By Ellen Bachmeyer April 04, 2023

One of the most challenging and rewarding thresholds in life can be talking to your adult child when they come to you with a problem. This is it is a statement of love and trust. Sometimes knowing what to say to them, and how and when to say it…

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4 Simple Check Ups Women Can Perform at Home

By Alisa Sabin March 28, 2023

There has always been controversy surrounding self-exams and what benefit, if any, these may have in regards to a person’s health. It can be confusing to muddle through all of the data. Here is my take on the most important self-exams…

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How to Create Your Own Fabulous Boho Chic Look at 60+

By Astrid Longhurst March 26, 2023

Back in my 20s, I was one of the first generation plus-size models in the UK. I loved it. It felt liberating as a curvier woman to wear beautiful clothes and try on different styles. I modelled for fashion magazines, clothing companies and had fun sashaying…

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Getting to Know the Place Where You Live

By Patsy Trench March 25, 2023

I have always had a love-hate relationship with London. It’s the city I have lived in (almost) all my life. As a child, I found it horribly restrictive; I was never allowed beyond the front door on my own. When I went to stay with friends in the country…

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The Journey of Life: 10 Ways to Embrace Friendship Beyond 60

By Kay Arthur March 25, 2023

As we journey down the road of life, I often wonder what lies ahead, just beyond that bend in the curve. We all know that our path is never quite straight, that there are bumps, curves, and roadblocks that constantly get in the way…

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The Number One Self Imposed Barrier That Stands in Our Way After 50

By Leslie Moon March 24, 2023

I create content for and work with many women over 50 who are trying to figure out what’s next for them at this stage of the game. Most of the women are content, overall, but are trying to figure out what they can do for themselves now…

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5 Tips for Lasting Relationships

By Andrea McGinty March 23, 2023

I woke up this morning thinking about relationships – the ebb and flow, but also, how much I appreciate the changes from dating in our 20s to the realities of dating in our 60s. As a dating coach, I am grateful we are in the 2020s vs. the 1990s…

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Life

By Xenia Mateiu March 22, 2023

Over the last year, I saw many people searching for crystals or gemstones, wondering if they have to define themselves as spiritual to use the stones effectively, if they need to believe in energies, or if it is wrong that they only see crystals as pretty rocks. Well, there is no wrong answer to this. […]

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