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Search Results for: stuck

How to Be Open to Enhancing Your Life with New Experiences

By Harriet Cabelly February 10, 2021

My middle daughter’s miraculous survival and complete recovery from her year-long medical crisis and hospitalization was a huge turning point in my life. It also happened to coincide with my turning 50, a naturally big life-marker…

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2021, The Year of the Older Woman: How to Find Your Sense of Self in Makeup and Style (VIDEO)

By Suzanne Blons February 08, 2021

One of the greatest hindrances to older women consciously and courageously finding their Sense of Self is the notion that we are somehow incomplete for the task. That our untapped self-ness is underscored with not-enoughness…

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How Being a “People Pleaser” Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss Efforts After 60

By Karen Donaldson February 06, 2021

If you feel like everyone’s walking all over you, taking what they need with little or no concern for your needs, you may have what I call ‘doormat energy’ – pleasing others at your own expense. You wanted to go on a walk, but you put your plans…

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3 Easy Ways to Beat Divorce Loneliness When You’re on Facebook

By Martha Bodyfelt January 30, 2021

We’ve all been there. You pour a glass of wine after a long day, and all you want to do is some mindless scrolling on Facebook to give yourself a mental break. But the exact opposite happens. The first thing on your newsreel is a picture of flowers that your high school…

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4 Ways to Combat the Winter Gloom According to Brain Science

By Max Cynader January 23, 2021

For many of us, winter can feel like a season that just drags on and on and on. Shorter days, colder temperatures, and more precipitation are perfect for putting us in a constant state of misery. Mix that in with the post-holiday blues…

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Another Reason to Add Vitamin D to your Health Arsenal

By Joy Stephenson-Laws January 17, 2021

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” since our bodies naturally produce it when we are exposed to sunlight. It is pretty amazing for its wide variety of health benefits. These include supporting healthy teeth and bones, helping protect us…

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3 Tips to De-Stress your Journey into the Medicare System

By Joanne Giardini-Russell December 25, 2020

If you’re turning 65 in the next 12 months, I surely don’t have to tell you what your mailbox likely looks like! The mailers and post cards are piled high in some bin to get to later, when you know you have to sit down and think about Medicare…

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What Does Breathing Have to Do with Money?

By Marie Burns December 24, 2020

“Take a deep breath!” That was probably a common phrase that was used when we were younger if we were upset about something. Or we might have been told to “calm down, count to 10” or “walk it off.” Who knew this age-old advice…

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4 Tips on How to Contour a Round Shaped Face (VIDEO)

By Suzanne Blons December 11, 2020

Do you have a round face and want to achieve the chiseled cheekbone look of today’s fashion? Following fashion trends is like shooting at a constantly moving target, so put on your big-girl pants and let’s talk contour!

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3 Ways to Look (and Feel) Your Best While Staying at Home

By Stephen Hadley December 10, 2020

Staying at home most days? Sick of staring at the same surroundings? If so, welcome to the club! Now more than ever, you need reasons to feel good at the beginning of each day. And your sense of fashion is here to help! Instead of giving up…

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