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Search Results for: stuck

Lessons for Staying at Home in Pandemic Times

By Mary Lou Harris December 06, 2020

There is no escape from the reality that we are at this moment looking into the eye of the Covid storm. The limitations this invisible but ever present enemy places on our lives has made for a difficult 2020. Writing from here in the U.S…

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Housing For Seniors on Social Security

By Koob Moua December 02, 2020

You’ve steered into retirement lane, in which you’re either approaching the finish line or you’ve already crossed it. The comments from everyone sound all too familiar – “How lucky of you to be done working”, “Oh the vacations you must be planning to take outside the country”, or “I’m so envious of all that free […]

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Social Media, Emotional Residue, and Friendships

By Kay Van Norman November 20, 2020

If you Google emotional residue it talks about the scientific study of how strong emotions in a space can be detected by others even after the person feeling the emotion is no longer there. The whole concept of “bad vibes” appears…

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4 Memoirs to Wrap Up for Others – or Yourself

By Pam Lamp November 19, 2020

This year has been a learning experience for all of us. During this season of thanking and giving and taking time to reflect on the wild ride of 2020, I bring you four of my favorite non-fiction books. All are memoirs revolving…

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How Gravitas Is Threatened by Your Retirement

By Howard Fishman November 19, 2020

Ancient Romans described gravitas as “seriousness.” Today we’re likely to see a broadened definition which includes “dignity and importance.” I’ll build upon those ideas by adding that gravitas is a compilation of characteristics that imply…

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The 5 Rings of Retirement Can Bring Back Your Spark

By Cyn Meyer November 15, 2020

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about people feeling unmotivated and trapped, and like they’re in a holding pattern. Yes, the pandemic is a big contributor – but there’s more to the story. Being stuck at home is also a time where certain ideas…

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The 3 A’s of Living a Life of Joy After 60

By Jane Duncan Rogers September 30, 2020

It took me quite some time to pluck up the courage and try internet dating after my husband died. At first, even the thought of it was horrifying, and my first visit to a dating site ended after just a minute or so. Read More

How Do My iPhone and PC Work Together?

By Judi Jacobs August 29, 2020

You love your iPhone, but a Windows PC is the only computer you have ever used? No problem! Even though iPhone is made by Apple and Windows is a Microsoft product they can well work together. Read More

Why Sharing More About YOU on Facebook Can Be a Good Thing

By Colleen Kochannek August 21, 2020

In a world where we regularly hear about ‘data breaches’ and identity theft it’s no wonder you may hesitate to share too much on Facebook. It’s scary to think people can learn so much about us. Read More

Man’s Search for Meaning – A Life-Changing Book

By Harriet Cabelly August 15, 2020

I used to think that our circumstances were what mattered most in terms of our life and how happy we are. I learned otherwise. We are the co-creators of our life, and although we can’t control a lot of what happens…

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