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Search Results for: relationships

Can You Hear Me Now? The Art of Communicating with Your Partner

By Lee Gaitan March 27, 2023

According to a short Google search I just conducted, the best historic evidence suggests that marriage as a formal institution has existed for nearly 5,000 years. In all that time, there has likely never been one single wife who, at some point or other…

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Life

By Xenia Mateiu March 22, 2023

Over the last year, I saw many people searching for crystals or gemstones, wondering if they have to define themselves as spiritual to use the stones effectively, if they need to believe in energies, or if it is wrong that they only see crystals as pretty rocks. Well, there is no wrong answer to this. […]

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“Good Night, My Sweet Little Grandma” and Other Thoughts on Multi-Generational Living

By Cynthia Hogg March 20, 2023

My husband and I did this on purpose. We were not forced into it for reasons of physical infirmity or financial difficulties. Instead, we were drawn to it by the sheer force of the potential advantages we saw. Chief among those was the ability…

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The Real Power of Paying Attention

By Kathleen Metcalfe March 17, 2023

Kathleen! Pay attention! These words, from my mother, from my teachers, dragging me back from my daydreams, still echo in my ears. But what is attention? We think of it as focus, something we can do with a little effort. Just snap back to reality…

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4 Steps to Identifying Your Purpose in Midlife

By Deborah Voll March 15, 2023

Have you reached a point in your life where you felt like you were simply going through the motions? Maybe you wake up each day feeling unfulfilled, wondering if there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing. If so, you are not alone…

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7 Fun Ways to Feel Sexy Beyond 60

By Carol Wyer March 15, 2023

Right about now, you’re probably groaning and thinking here we go, another article about dyeing my hair and exercising, and do I care about being sexy anyway? Aha! You’re wrong. I have a very different approach to ageing…

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Are You 60 and Navigating Adult Child Estrangement and Mental Health Issues?

By Marie Morin March 14, 2023

Estrangement is already an extremely delicate and challenging situation, and it becomes even more tricky to navigate with mental illness. The ups and downs of having an adult child with mental illness could create a nightmarish dynamic of confusion and sadness…

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10 Memoirs Authored by Women Over 50

By Sandra Roussy March 10, 2023

Do you enjoy reading memoirs? Do you like reading memoirs written by women over 50 or books about women over 50? I love reading memoirs that plunge into women’s lives and their personal unique human experiences. I love that feeling when…

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What Is the State of Your Positive Intelligence?

By Marie Burns March 10, 2023

You have likely heard of IQ (Intelligence Quotient, a test measuring intelligence relative to others) or EQ (Emotional Quotient, a measurement of the ability to identify and manage your emotions and the emotions of others). But have you heard of PQ?

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How to Make Use of the 6 Retirement Types

By Ardith Bowman March 08, 2023

Are you in the “one plan and done” retirement trap? Living into your 60s and beyond is a phase of life with many transitions. Sadly, one aspect of ageism is that retirement is seen as a static life phase with decline over time. It is time to disrupt this view…

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