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Search Results for: weight loss

It’s Not Too Late! Improve Your Health After 60 by Breaking these Habits

By Margaret Manning November 19, 2014

When it comes to smoking, drinking and a lack of exercise, many women that I know have a fatalistic perspective. If you are in your 60s or 70s, it’s easy to convince yourself that “the damage has already been done.” But, is this really true? As it turns out, no, it isn’t – not in the slightest! Researchers are increasingly showing that it’s never too late to get benefits from abandoning a bad habit. For example, recent studies have found that people can add years to their life by quitting smoking, even in their 60s. Read More

What are the Benefits of Pilates for Women Over 60? You May be Surprised!

By Margaret Manning July 11, 2014

Pleasure is not normally a word that we associate with exercise. When I started my Pilates class a few weeks ago, I came away smiling after an hour of gentle and mindful stretching to soft music. I had a sense that, for me personally, I had found a workout regime that was right for my body. So it does not surprise me that Pilates has become one of the most popular exercises for older women.

Many of us are taking classes to build strength, reduce back pain, lose weight, or to improve coordination and balance. It has some similarities to yoga because it focuses on principles related to concentration, control and centering of the body. Read More

How to Stop Emotional Eating – Start with Your Mindset!

By Margaret Manning January 30, 2014

When I was in college I had a lot on my mind. Looking back, it seems like I was worried about just about everything in my life. So, every morning, over-stressed and sleep deprived, I would order a cup of coffee and a huge cinnamon bun, dripping with icing. I would devour my 800-calorie “breakfast” in less than five minutes. Honestly, it was almost an addiction. Read More

5 Delicious Foods to Relieve Sensitive Teeth

By Meliors Simms May 04, 2024

I had just walked for two blissful hours along a beautiful coastline on a hot summer’s day and arrived at a beachside café famous for its homemade ice creams. Taking my time to select a scoop each of lemon sorbet and salted caramel…

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Great Makeup Dupes for High-End Products

By Elise Marquam-Jahns May 02, 2024

We’ve all been familiar with dupes for many years in the food and beverage industries. In those industries they’re called private label brands. Even department stores such as Macy’s have their own private label clothing brands…

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What Causes Osteoporosis and How to Increase Bone Strength as We Get Older

By Kate Gregorevic May 02, 2024

When we think of bones, we think of off-white, hard, stiff and unchanging objects. However, our bones are very much a living and dynamic tissue. They provide the structure of our bodies that enables us to move…

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Overcoming Your Fears Requires You to See Through Their Lies

By Sherry Bronson May 02, 2024

Many articles written for Sixty and Me are about the things we fear as we age. Losing our looks. Losing our partner. Losing our health. Losing our money. Losing our independence. Losing our friends. Losing our mind. Losing our interest in life…

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Improve Your Life by Tackling Tolerations: Stop Putting Up with ‘STUFF’

By Virginia Baker Woolf April 28, 2024

Women tolerate a lot. We put up with a lot of irritating annoyances. We’re taught not to complain, not to rock the boat, to go along with others, to be grateful for what we have, to be understanding, to be constantly available to family and friends…

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Do You Still Believe What Your Parents Told You About Food?

By Wendy Irvine April 27, 2024

Many of us were raised by survivors of the Great Depression. My grandma once told me, “We were hungry, but your grandfather’s family was starving.” Which explains why the man would eat anything put before him. Clearly, he did not belong to the group…

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Skincare for Women Over 70

By Sixty and Me April 14, 2024

Are you taking all the necessary steps to maintain the health and well-being of your skin? It’s essential to recognize that the skincare routine and products that worked well in your fifties might need adjustments now that you’re in your seventies…

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