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Search Results for: weight loss

In Sickness and in Health: Facing a Terminal Illness with My Spouse

By Erin Hybart March 07, 2024

My husband and I are 11 years apart. The first thing he ever asked me was If I would be open to dating an older man. It was not the first marriage for either of us. We hit it off right away, and our life began. Then he started to feel bad. We were only engaged…

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Red Lentil, Rice, and Coconut Soup Recipe

By Jane Thurnell-Read March 04, 2024

This soup ticks so many boxes. It’s easy to make even if you’re not really a cook. It’s cheap. It tastes delicious and it’s highly nutritious too. As well as the lentils, rice and coconut, the soup uses ginger, turmeric and garlic too…

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Managing Inflammation Leads to Healthier Bones

By Felicia Reid February 25, 2024

Inflammation is your body’s favorite companion, sometimes. Realistically, you can’t live without it, but when it becomes too clingy you can’t live with it either. In the short term, inflammation comes to the rescue when you have a minor infection or injury…

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Gaining Height with Age – How Is That Possible?

By Jane Thurnell-Read February 21, 2024

A friend whom I hadn’t seen for a few weeks greeted me with these words: “Every time I see you, you’re taller.“ You may expect to hear that when you’re seven or 17, but I’m in my 70s. I couldn’t help feeling smug…

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Exercises to Build and Protect Bone Density

By Aubrey Reinmiller February 19, 2024

When I was growing up, my mom always reminded me how important it is to have enough calcium for healthy bones. That might seem odd, but she knew we had a family history of osteoporosis and wanted me to be strong and healthy…

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What Every Baby Boomer Needs to Know About Hypertension

By Joy Stephenson-Laws February 07, 2024

I lost my mom at a relatively young age to complications from high blood pressure, or hypertension. For as long as I could remember, she took medications for hypertension and its complications. She visited doctors regularly for this problem…

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Shrinking? Expanding? 5 Tips for Looking Taller and Slimmer

By Andrea Pflaumer February 03, 2024

The holidays are behind us and some of us might find things fitting a little snug. Also, if you’ve found that you’re taking more things to the tailor for shortening you’re not alone. Gravity and bone loss are real at our age. We can start losing bone density…

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I Used to Ski: Thoughts on How to Reconcile Your Past

By Ilene Marcus February 03, 2024

Right after Thanksgiving, in the Northeast USA the temperature drops precipitously. It’s ice cold outside. As I step out of my warm cozy home, the best place I have ever lived, onto a newly planked landing, looking at one of the best cars I have…

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10 Best Body Lotions for Women Over 60

By Sixty and Me February 02, 2024

Moisturized skin not only looks good but feels good. Dry skin can result in premature aging, wrinkles, and uncomfortable itching. Daily moisturizing your skin with a lotion will help keep it soft and supple and also prevent…

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Historical Journeys – 15 Ancient Sites and Landmarks in Europe and the U.S.

By Sandra Roussy January 29, 2024

Are you ready for a journey through time? As humanity progresses, we leave lasting marks on the world. Some landmarks, crafted millennia ago, still stand, offering a fascinating glimpse into our ancient ways of life. Imagine yourself at Stonehenge…

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