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Search Results for: weight loss

The Best Diet Advice You’ll Ever Receive After 60

By Elizabeth Klodas January 19, 2018

If you’re like most Americans, you probably made a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier or make some grand change to your diet. Read More

Downsizing in Your 60s? 5 Powerful Reasons to Go on a “Home Diet”

By Perley-Ann Friedman October 09, 2017

It’s normal to accumulate stuff on our journey through life. Not only do we buy stuff, but our family, friends, career, interests and hobbies encourage us to get more stuff. Read More

Be Kind to Yourself and Become Your Own Best Friend After 60

By Joseph Parent September 13, 2017

Everyone has the capacity to appreciate the simple joy of being alive. It is the delight you feel from the view of a spectacular sunset, the sound of a beautiful piece of music or the smile of a loved one. It is an experience of natural richness. Read More

Is Healthy Aging an Issue of Mind Over Matter?

By Margaret Manning August 10, 2017

What does healthy aging mean? What does it include? How do we make sure we are doing what we can to age healthy? Join us in conversation with geriatrician Dr. Bill Thomas who has some interesting strategies to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

3 Ways to Combat Elder Abuse

By Anthony Cirillo August 08, 2017

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 15.7% of people 60 years and older are subjected to abuse. These are underestimates, of course, because most cases of elder abuse are not reported. Read More

Listen to Your Body! 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Women Over 60

By Candy Morehouse August 04, 2017

These days, it seems there is at least one article, study or documentary coming out each day that delivers conflicting information about what you should and shouldn’t be eating. Read More

How to Recover from an Emergency Surgery and Get Back to Your Life

By Peg Doyle May 23, 2017

I moved a few towns over in late March and got a call from a former neighbor today. She called to apologize for taking so long to call me. She had good reason. Read More

I Have a Confession that Every Older Woman Needs to Hear

By Jayne Ragheb May 24, 2016

The truth shall set you free… Honesty is good for the soul… These are all great sayings, but they never meant as much to me as they do today. At 69, I decided it was time to tell my story. I confess, I’m a binger and purger, and it’s been going on since I was 20…

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Home Remedies That Work (and Some That Don’t)

By Sixty and Me February 27, 2016

We’re practically drowning in home remedy advice these days. Everything we eat, drink or use on our bodies seems to be able to cure some ailment (or cause it – it can be difficult to tell).

The trouble, then, is knowing how to separate fact from fiction. Does green tea help prevent skin aging? Is Vaseline toxic? Should we really use coconut oil for everything? Read on and find out… Read More

Is Throwing Out the Salt Shaker Good or Bad for Healthy Aging?

By Barbara Klein February 06, 2016

I like salty foods. I realize that this is not considered an especially smart thing to admit to these days. Nevertheless it’s true. I like salt. Sweets are good too, but, it wouldn’t be devastating for me to cut back drastically. Well… maybe not “drastically,” since I already try to avoid too much sugar. But, when it comes to salt, like many people, I need to work on my restraint. Read More