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Search Results for: weight loss

You’re Never Too Old to Embrace Change and Start Over!

By Paula Harer January 15, 2020

Do you feel like you keep starting over with the same goals? About this time every winter I realize that I have already given up on many of the things that I wanted to change about myself in the new year. About two weeks in! Can you believe it? Read More

Top 10 Food Trends for 2020 – Will They Change Your Life?

By Peg Doyle December 20, 2019

The start of every decade brings along promotions and trends of all sorts, many of which affect our food choices. Are you curious about the food trends expected to surface in 2020? Perhaps you have noticed some of them?

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13 Things to Help You to Get Fit and Strong and… Stay That Way When You’re Over 60

By Shelagh Murray December 12, 2019

When did you and I stop playing out? When did we stop running around like giddy kippers just for the sheer unadulterated fun of it? When did moving become a chore, rather than something that was imperative?

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4 Ways to Add Healthier Foods to Your Holiday Parties This Year

By Candy Morehouse December 10, 2019

With the holiday season in full swing and parties abounding, it’s time to think about what dishes you will be serving – or bringing – to the next event. Too often we fall back on old standbys, such as cheesy dips, deep-fried appetizers…

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My Yummy Paleo Recipes and Ideas for a Complete Paleo Dinner

By Carol Stanley November 22, 2019

Over the past several years the Paleo diet has become very popular. This diet consists of foods consumed by the first humans on earth, namely, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, while excluding all grains, dairy and processed foods…

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How to Protect Ourselves and Our Loved Ones from Elder Abuse

By Joy Stephenson-Laws October 18, 2019

It’s time to talk about something that may make many of us very uncomfortable. In fact, we may become so uncomfortable that we may rather ignore – or at least minimize – the issue. I am talking about elder abuse…

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Don’t Overthink Getting Fit After 60! These 7 Ideas Will Help

By Linda Melone October 13, 2019

How many decisions have you made so far today? Maybe you made the choice to get up early and feed the cat rather than listen to meowing for the next 15 minutes, sprayed dry shampoo in your hair to save time…

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A Super Simple Way 60-Somethings Can Lose 30 Lbs Without Dieting (Yes, for Reals!)

By Linda Melone August 23, 2019

Remember life before the Internet and smartphones? Me either. Let’s have a moment of silence for those days before the era when people developed the posture of candy canes…

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How Do You Fight the Burden of Body Shame Society Places on Older Women?

By Nicole Christina April 04, 2019

Imagine this scene: You are at your favorite clothes’ shop with your best friend, trying on dresses. Your friend comes out of the dressing room looking lovely in a colorful dress that suits her bubbly personality. Read More

5 Nutrition Suggestions for Healthy Aging

By Kate Gregorevic January 09, 2019

I remember when Jane Fonda proudly announced that she had put on some weight, and that she was looking better. She said growing up, she was told it was a choice between her ‘ass or her face,’ but now she’s getting complements on both. Read More