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Search Results for: weight loss

What You Might Not Know About Diabetes Prevention

By Debbie Hensleigh August 11, 2021

Of course, I said YES! when I was asked by the Wellness Director of our local YMCA if I might be interested in training to be a lifestyle coach for a new program they are going to offer. It’s one on Diabetes Prevention. Knowing that I have facilitated…

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7 Small Steps to a Happier, Healthier Life After 60

By Debbie Hensleigh July 10, 2021

Do you feel like you need a life-lift? Do you think that if a few things in your life would change you’d face each day with more hope and joy? It does seem that after 60 some changes happen fast – like aches and sagging skin and the development of cataracts…

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Surf Those Urges to Eat When You Aren’t Hungry

By Shari Broder June 25, 2021

Do you get the urge to eat when you’re not hungry, and just give in? Do you think you can’t stop doing this because you don’t have any willpower? The fact is that you don’t have to have willpower to make the decision not to eat when you’re tempted to do so…

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The Secret Power of Water and Why Boomers Can Benefit from It

By Peg Doyle May 26, 2021

While many of us crave for the secret sauce that will cause us to lose weight and have more energy, one item is often overlooked, and it is the simplest of all – pure water. You may hear that pomegranate juice, or grapefruit, or most recently, celery juice…

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Sibling Rivalry – Solving Family Disputes When Caring for Older Loved Ones

By Anthony Cirillo April 04, 2021

Family disputes over elderly parents are more common when multiple children are involved. Siblings may be wondering how to protect the money of elderly parents from a financially dependent brother or sister. Relationship tensions may escalate…

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Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease at 50 and Beyond

By Elizabeth Klodas March 07, 2021

Around the world, nearly seven million people die of coronary heart disease every year. And despite the continuing advancements in surgery, diagnostic techniques, and pharmaceutical interventions, that number keeps going up…

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Have You Forgotten These Heart Healthy Foods?

By Patty Hopker February 26, 2021

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. The month of February is known as “Heart Health Month,” but we should practice the prevention of heart disease every month of our lives…

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Senior Blood Pressure

By Koob Moua February 15, 2021

We’re all guilty of not doing the right things for our health even when we clearly know better. The chicken salad or the cheese burger with fries? To exercise or not exercise? In the end, we’re allowed to enjoy ourselves once in a while. It’s the difference between moderation versus poor health habits. Poor habits […]

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8 Things to Remember as We Age and Come to Terms with Hormonal Changes

By Penelope Jane Whiteley February 09, 2021

Whether we want to lose or gain weight, we cannot ignore these facts. That is, unless we want to bury our heads in the sand, or we have discovered the secret to Eternal Youth and still have the body we had when we were 18!

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Senior Isolation Meets Creative Solution

By Anthony Cirillo January 12, 2021

I fell into a mission for older people, not through caregiving as many think (that would come later) but through singing. Tired of playing in casinos and night clubs, I went into a senior community and started singing to the residents…

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