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Search Results for: weight loss

5 Common Symptoms of Menopause and What to Do About Them

By Julie Dargan November 27, 2020

At an online summit I hosted, I interviewed 15 women who found relief from their menopause symptoms by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. These women did not accept hot flashes, weight gain, and lack of energy…

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The Signs of Ovarian Cancer Every Woman Must Know

By Pam Lamp October 08, 2020

The American Cancer Society estimates ovarian cancer will strike more than 22,000 women in the United States this year. And 14,000 of those women will die. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in its early stages are challenging…

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5 Reasons to Make Matcha Green Tea a Daily Habit in Your 60s

By Erin Young July 08, 2020

If you’ve been searching for a quick, easy and affordable way to boost your energy, lose some weight and just feel generally healthier, you’re not alone. Read More

7 Things We Can Do To Protect and Enhance the Aging Brain

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

When you concentrate on what you’re thankful for instead of what bothers you, you’re decentering. If things aren’t going well, Dr. Medina advises, simply write down three things that make you grateful…

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Walk Your Way to Health and Mental Wellbeing

By Jackie Parsons March 20, 2020

How many hours have you spent in front of the TV this week? What about your computer? The truth is, most of us recognise that it’s not just the under-30s who are spending too long slumped in front of a screen…

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6 Super Easy Healthy Aging Tips That Almost Everyone Can Do

By Angela Horn February 20, 2020

My 87-year-old aunt is an inspiration. She’s no Iron Nun, she doesn’t run marathons on the weekend, and thru-hiking isn’t her idea of fun. Aunty Margaret is just a regular old lady who lives her life with purpose…

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How to Get in Shape After 50 in 4 Simple Steps

By Julie Dargan February 19, 2020

Staying healthy and staying in shape does get harder as we age.

There are so many things going against us. We are bombarded with skinny young women on the front of magazines that sit right at the supermarket counters so there is no escaping the media glare. Read More

When Chocolate Cake Calls, Do You Ignore It or Enjoy It Mindfully?

By Pamela McAlpine February 15, 2020

New Year 2020 has come and gone, and many of the resolutions undertaken with such gusto have already been abandoned. It doesn’t take much to derail the train, does it?

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Never Say Never: Why 60 Is the Best Time Ever to Eat Our Words

By Terri Edmund February 04, 2020

The older I get, the easier it is for me to change my mind and adopt new ideas. Some people get more set in their ways, saying things like, “I’ll never try online dating,” or, “I’d never take a dance class alone…”

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Hate the Gym? Here Are 9 Fun Exercise Options for Older Women

By Shari Broder January 26, 2020

I don’t have to convince you that exercise is a necessary component of healthy aging. It can lower blood pressure, improve cardio health, lower your risk of certain cancers and arthritis, prevent osteoporosis…

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