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Search Results for: vitamin d

Choosing the Right Lipstick for Older Women (Video)

By Margaret Manning August 06, 2022

In this makeup tips for older women article and video, we discuss simple makeup tips with a special focus on choosing the right lipstick color. In the course of filming our makeup tutorial video series with Ariane Poole, we saw time and time again…

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Pro Makeup Artist Recommendations: 10 Great Foundations for Women Over 50

By Elise Marquam-Jahns July 21, 2022

When it comes to looking our best, wearing the right foundation that evens out our skin tone is the biggest make-or-break makeup product in our entire makeup routine. But as we all know, our foundation can create a beautiful, glowing second-skin…

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Wondering How to Have More Energy After 60? Try These 6 Ideas

By Margaret Manning July 20, 2022

As women over 60, we often talk a lot about how positive and optimistic we feel about life, how excited we are to experience this next stage of our journeys, and how much we still want to accomplish and contribute in the world…

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Rejuvenate Your Skin with Herbal Teas: Beauty-Boosting Benefits for Mature Women

By Shanna Bynes Bradford July 13, 2022

Have you stopped to ask yourself, “Why am I still dealing with skin concerns at my age? I’m not a teenager, but I still have a tough time when it comes to my skin.” Well, mature skin is delicate and must be treated with proper care…

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3 Best Bang-for-Buck Skin Care Products

By Suzanne Blons July 11, 2022

Inflation has made many of us re-think not only what we buy, but the efficacy and value of each product. On the topic of skin care, it is plausible that in more abundant times, many of us wouldn’t bat an eye at purchasing four or five products from a single skin care line…

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Give Your Aging Skin Some Love with Vegetables, Not Sugar

By Peg Doyle June 18, 2022

Your mom probably told you more than once to eat your vegetables, right? If your mom was like mine, she chopped and served fresh when she could. Our shelves along the basement steps were always stocked with canned green beans, corn…

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9 Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

By Alisa Sabin June 14, 2022

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions of Americans. It is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. High blood pressure is defined as the systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 130 mm Hg…

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6 Smart Ways to Save on Healthcare Costs

By Jessica Hegg June 08, 2022

If you’re pinching pennies trying to save up for a big trip this summer, the biggest hurdle you face may be rising healthcare costs. Whether it’s co-pays on supplemental insurance plans, expensive prescriptions, or even everyday medical equipment…

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Hyaluronic Acid: What It Does and Why You Should Care

By Suzanne Blons June 06, 2022

Hyaluronic acid is without a doubt one of the most common and widely touted skin care ingredients on the market. But it, like any ingredient, needs to be understood so that you can shop wisely and not be taken-in by false advertising…

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Kickstart Your Digestive Health with Fiber  

By Felicia Reid June 04, 2022

When all else seems too daunting, simply adding dietary fiber into your daily diet may improve the function of your gastrointestinal system, your immune system and aid in the prevention and onset of diseases like diabetes, heart disease…

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