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Search Results for: learn language

How to Make Money in Retirement by Sharing Your Passion for Health

By Lynda Goldman April 04, 2021

For most of my life I’ve been unemployable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had jobs. I was a college language teacher for many years. That led to an opportunity to write textbooks – and I found that I loved the creativity of writing…

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Health Resources for Older Women

By Sixty and Me April 04, 2021

The golden years are often some of the best years of our life. They do, however, come with an increased risk of health issues. Many of these health problems affect women only for biological reasons.  We look at 15 of the most common issues that affect older women and the health resources available to support […]

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Is Your Energy Pushing Men Away After 50?

By Lisa Copeland March 19, 2021

Recently, I received a letter from a woman who told me nothing is working in her dating life. No one is interested in her. No one is interested in her friends either. They, like her, are experiencing loneliness and a lack of contact with men…

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Can You Still Enjoy or Play Music If You Suffer Hearing Loss?

By Patrick O'Malley March 18, 2021

Does a loss of hearing prevent you from listening to or playing a musical instrument? It’s a question I hear all the time. The answers can be quite surprising, but before we jump in too far, let’s examine the phenomenon of hearing loss…

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Using Telehealth Services to Receive Care During COVID-19 Safely

By Jason Carrasco March 08, 2021

Now more than ever, because of the unprecedented public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 disease, the health, safety, and welfare of those of us who have severe chronic medical conditions, like heart, lung, or kidney disease…

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Try Something New: Write a Poem and Stretch Your Brain

By Kathleen M. Rehl February 16, 2021

A couple of years ago, I began penning poetry. My life was moving in new directions, and I wanted to express myself differently than with the prose style approach I mainly used before. I enjoyed reading poetry, so I decided to try…

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5 Ways to Practice Self-Love on Valentine’s Day According to Neuroscience

By Max Cynader February 13, 2021

Valentine’s Day is here. We’re all used to showering our appreciation on the ones we love on that day. But what if we shifted our focus to loving ourselves instead? The past year has been tough, but taking time for ourselves can lead to…

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How to Be Open to Enhancing Your Life with New Experiences

By Harriet Cabelly February 10, 2021

My middle daughter’s miraculous survival and complete recovery from her year-long medical crisis and hospitalization was a huge turning point in my life. It also happened to coincide with my turning 50, a naturally big life-marker…

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Look Forward to Stay Positive in the Present

By Jackie Parsons January 27, 2021

If we turned the clock back precisely 12 months, most of us would have been as incredulous then as we are now at the dramatic turn foisted on the world. Of course, we’re still living in uncertain times. While some of us are enjoying the independence…

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Lost Childhood? It’s Never Too Late for a Do-Over!

By Sherry Bronson January 22, 2021

You’ve heard it said that youth is wasted on the young. It’s true! But some of us had no childhood to waste. We were subject to forces beyond our control and became old before our time. Because of my mother’s sudden critical…

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