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Search Results for: learn language

Pandemics, Hurricanes… Oh My!

By Elena Karplus August 14, 2020

Not all hurricanes are created equal, but in Miami, we take all of them very seriously, especially since August 16, 1992, when Hurricane Andrew devastated our city. After being in self-isolation since March, it was alarming for me…

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Over 60 and Looking for a Job? Make Sure Your CV Beats the Algorithms

By Elise Christian August 14, 2020

Looking for a job can be difficult at the best of times, let alone in the middle of a pandemic. The spread of Covid-19 and the resulting lockdown have created a great deal of instability in the jobs market. Redundancies are…

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Feeling Isolated and Alone? Create an Extended Family from Scratch and Energize Your Golden Years!

By T. Kari Mitchell August 13, 2020

Don’t you wish you had interesting and enjoyable people to hang out with? Covid-19 has left many people feeling isolated and alone. Perhaps you were feeling disconnected even before the pandemic, wondering how to grow a network…

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5 Common Questions That a Geriatrician Is Asked About Dementia

By Kate Gregorevic July 28, 2020

Dementia is one of the most feared diseases in the world. It is now incredibly rare to find someone whose life has not been touched by this disease, whether it is a parent, friend, sibling, or spouse. Read More

5 Ways to Embrace Living Alone

By Kathleen Sinclair July 21, 2020

Some of us choose to live alone and others are faced with it due to circumstances such as death of a spouse or partner. It’s what we do after we live alone that matters, and I am going to share 5 ways to get the most out of this situation…

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4 Key Ingredients for Successful Aging

By Cyn Meyer July 21, 2020

Wikipedia defines successful aging as “physical, mental and social well-being in older age.” The authors of Successful Aging: The MacArthur Foundation Study, John Rowe, MD, and Robert Kahn, PhD, define it as “the cross-section between three components.” Read More

Harnessing the Benefits of the Web to Launch Your Business After 60

By Hilary Henderson July 16, 2020

Some time ago I wrote about the slippery slide to being overwhelmed when dealing with the world wide web. This time I would like to talk about the benefits as I see them, of using the web to promote your business. Read More

Stretching Your Limits After 60: Challenge Yourself for Growth and Happiness

By Ginny McReynolds July 05, 2020

As we age, it’s easy to sit back and leave it to others to make the world around us an interesting place to live. In reality, though, inspiring ourselves and creating our own stimulation can mean the difference between a humdrum existence and a lovely life. Read More

Finding New Words and Expressions at Any Stage of Life

By Ann Richardson May 31, 2020

We all use words every day. Whether to express an ordinary sentiment, a technical problem, or something much deeper and reflective, we do our best to get the words right…

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Do You Think of Thrifting as a Spiritual Practice? I Sure Do – and Here’s Why!

By Nicole Christina May 25, 2020

I consider myself a world class thrifter. I’m very proud of that credential. If I’m traveling and I have a little time, I head right to the local thrift store (there’s an app for that)…

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