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Search Results for: stuck

How to Move Past the Wounds of Estrangement and Find Relief

By Marie Morin September 13, 2022

Feeling numb, dumbfounded, angry, and depressed over the angst of being cut off from a family member is expected. Estrangement can occur with adult children, mothers, fathers, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandchildren…

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How to Align Your Home with Your Heart

By Heidi Smith September 11, 2022

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you…

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5 Secrets on How to Nourish Over-Dry and Processed Hair

By Suzanne Blons September 11, 2022

In my mid-20s, I yanked out my first silver hair with terror in my eyes. That sent a signal to the rest of the white follicles waiting in my scalp to immediately spout and cover my head as if fertilized by God’s very own growth hormone…

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Expecting the Unexpected as a Caregiver: How to Create a Backup Plan

By Christy Turner September 05, 2022

Being the primary care partner for a person living with dementia is tough. Beyond the grief of watching a person you love go through an unforgiving disease process, you’ve got the practical matter of another grown person’s life…

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3 Ways to Get Excited About Starting Over After 60

By Paula Harer September 03, 2022

I know, it’s not easy starting over later in life, especially if it wasn’t what you had planned, or you have had an unexpected setback. It may even feel like the end of the world. I get it. After my marriage of more than 30 years collapsed…

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To Exist or to Grow? Choosing to Live a Fruitful Life in the Face of Loss

By Teresa Beshwate September 02, 2022

I’ve heard many times that aging is about loss, and I don’t disagree. But I would offer that it’s also about hard-earned gains – which are often the result of those losses. It’s true that with time life throws us curveballs…

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An Ode to Dogs on National Dog Day

By Liz Kitchens August 25, 2022

National Dog Day is celebrated each year on August 26. The buoyancy our furry friends provide is balm for our Covid-weary spirits. Pets made great companions during the throes of the pandemic. I experienced separation anxiety when we felt…

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60 and Estranged? 3 Keys to Go from Stressed to Wellness

By Marie Morin August 19, 2022

How can you go about daily life when you feel rejected, hurt, sad, angry, and you’re not yourself? The key to moving forward and getting out of stuck is to focus on your wellness. The emotional stress of estrangement can take its toll on one’s mental…

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Chronically Late? 4 Strategies That Will Keep You on Time as a Mature Woman

By Rosanne Ullman August 15, 2022

“Wow, your hair smells really good.” It’s an odd thing for someone else’s husband to say to you, but it wasn’t the first time I’d heard it. And when the wife hugged me, too, as we all sat down to our restaurant meal that evening…

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5 Tips to Thrive After 55 this Summer!

By Aubrey Reinmiller August 07, 2022

You want to feel strong and confident in your body and clear in your mind this summer! Summertime can be a fun time but also your schedule may be all over the place. From travel to other invitations, it can be hard to feel your best when we lose…

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