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Search Results for: aging well

6 Ways to Adopt a Daily Self-Care Routine After 60

By Molly Wisniewski June 23, 2022

Society today is all about giving. Giving your time to a job, offering resources to a cause, giving your attention to the needs of family and friends. And while these things can be rewarding, it leaves little time for us to focus on our own needs…

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What’s Your Vitality Plan for Your 60s and Beyond?

By Kay Van Norman June 23, 2022

Building financial security and staying healthy are consistently listed as top aging concerns for adults over 55. Most of us know that creating a financial portfolio is important. But what about your vitality? Do you have a plan?

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Why Your Resting Heart Rate Should Be Your Best Friend

By Verla Fortier June 22, 2022

There is so much your resting heart rate can tell you – it can predict illness, help you manage your stress, and even save your life. Our bodies are complex systems. It is impossible to know what is going on below the surface, below our level of awareness…

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10 Best Online Dating Tips from a Top Dating Consultant

By Andrea McGinty June 22, 2022

For the past 25+ years, I have coached clients on dating – in the old days (90s and early 2000s) with matchmaking and in the 2010s and 2020s with online dating. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are over 100 million singles in the US alone…

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Has Your Age Become an Excuse for Not Really Living? Here’s What to Do!

By Noelle Nelson June 22, 2022

My car has a feature which I find totally annoying. When I’m close to what the ‘powers-that-be’ determined is my next required maintenance, a little box pops up on the dash-screen announcing “Maintenance required soon!..”

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Trigger Warnings – Should We Be Aware That Death Is Part of the Story?

By Ann Boland June 21, 2022

Whether we pick up a book or go to see a play, we don’t always know what the plot is all about. And sometimes that makes it even more interesting. But is that always the case? Here I offer my thoughts on three works:

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How the Words of My Granddaughter Shifted My Mindset

By Karen Spencer June 21, 2022

One day on a recent visit to New Mexico, I was setting on the couch with my 10-year-old granddaughter, Giada. We were writing in our journals; a lovely tradition we started when she was three. Now every time I come to visit, she wakes up earlier…

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Indecisiveness Holding You Back? 4 Things to Consider When Trying to Make a Decision

By Terri Edmund June 21, 2022

Most of the hundreds of decisions we make every day are almost automatic: what to wear, when to go to the grocery store or which route to take. There are always times when we change our mind and discard one outfit for another or agonize…

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Is a Bridge Job Right for You Before Retirement?

By Diane Lansing June 21, 2022

There was a time when I felt sure that I would continue working until age 70 or beyond. In fact, I often joked that one day I would simply resign from my job at the nursing home where I worked as an RN and move myself into the assisted living…

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Being Carefree After 60

By Joanie Marx June 20, 2022

How many times have you said to yourself or to others that you cannot afford to be carefree? From responsibilities at work, at home, or to care for others, for many women of our generation, the idea of being carefree took a backseat…

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