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Search Results for: aging well

Looking and Feeling Young… Beyond 80!

By Ann Richardson June 19, 2022

It has been my ‘lot’ in life to always look younger than I am. It doesn’t help that I am also small. There are a number of people like me about. I am sure we would all agree that it was terrible when we were younger…

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5 Reasons for Taking Up the Walking Life in Retirement

By Dami Roelse June 19, 2022

Walking is touted as good for our health, our emotional well-being and our social connections. I want to give you 5 more reasons. Walking doesn’t make you younger in years, but it allows you to have experiences where you forget your age…

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The Longevity Diet: A Step-By-Step Plan to Live Longer and Healthier

By Bob and Fran German June 17, 2022

It is estimated that approximately 80% of the food sold in supermarkets today did not exist when many of us were children. Unfortunately, most of these “new foods” are unhealthy, genetically-modified and highly refined products loaded with chemicals…

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5 Vacation Planning Tips for Dynamic Older Travelers

By Lynn Clare June 17, 2022

So, you’ve just booked your fantastic holiday or family vacation – now what? Getting ready to leave is much more complicated than just packing. There are so many arrangements that need to be made before leaving home. It doesn’t matter if…

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Do You Avoid Doctors? Which of These 6 Excuses Fit You?

By Ann Marie Mershon June 16, 2022

I actually like seeing Dr. Delfs. Because I see her regularly, she knows me and shows an interest in both my life and my health. She makes me feel better, emotionally and physically, when I visit. Well – usually. I’ve just learned that…

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Is Age Threatening to Stifle Your Life Spark? Find Your Reason to Evolve into Your Best Self Ever

By Julia Hubbel June 15, 2022

No matter how old we are, it’s always exciting to have something to look forward to. Working, enjoying retirement, or a little of both. Anticipation is a lovely thing. Every year, I set major goals…

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Prepare for a Foreign Vacation by Learning the Language

By Kerry Baker June 15, 2022

How does the idea of a road trip or a vacation sound to you right now? Pretty good, I would venture to guess. In every vacation, we take two pleasure trips. One is the trip itself. The other is the anticipation of the experience – the planning…

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Does Learning a Musical Instrument Maintain Brain Health?

By Patrick O'Malley June 15, 2022

Learning to play a musical instrument is something that many of us have considered doing at some point. As well as being fun and providing a great sense of achievement, there are many health benefits of playing an instrument…

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9 Foods that Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

By Alisa Sabin June 14, 2022

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions of Americans. It is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. High blood pressure is defined as the systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 130 mm Hg…

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Feeling Overwhelmed and FOMO – The Downside of the World Wide Web

By Hilary Henderson June 14, 2022

Few would dispute that the world wide web has revolutionized our lives. But, as with many good things, there is also a downside that requires a management strategy. I do not profess to have a solution, as I myself lurch between excitement…

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